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What are your budget priorities?

Dear Ward 5 neighbors, 

Each year, the Council goes through a lengthy process to allocate the District’s many resources for the next fiscal year. It is through this budget process that neighbors, advocates, and organizations are able to voice their budget priorities. I want to know what’s important to Ward 5 neighbors, so I am inviting you to next Saturday’s Ward 5 Budget Forum at UDC’s Lamond-Riggs Campus. Join us to learn more about the budget, share your budget priorities, and discover ways to advocate for those priorities throughout the upcoming months. The forum will be on Saturday, February 3, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at 5171 South Dakota Ave NE. Click here or on the link below to register! I invite you to also complete this survey ahead of time as we prepare for the forum.