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Moving the Providence Redevelopment Project Forward

Dear Ward 5 neighbors,  The redevelopment of the Providence Hospital campus in Ward 5 has been a long time coming. I, along with neighbors, want to seize the opportunity to reimagine the campus. That’s why I wrote to Attorney General Scwalb this week, urging him to help move the Providence redevelopment project forward. As I outlined in…

Building an Inclusive Economy and Transit Network

Dear Ward 5 neighbors, Earlier this week, I announced new legislation aimed at reviving DC's storied history of cooperative economics and worker-owned businesses. The Opening Worker-ownership: a New Economic Resilience Strategy (OWNERS) Amendment Act of 2024 focuses on preserving legacy shops and businesses that meet our communities' needs. The bill also aims to expand worker cooperatives in…

Letter to WMATA on the Proposed 2025 Bus Network

This morning, I sent off a letter to WMATA with my office’s Ward 5 Bus Network Task Force recommendations on the Proposed 2025 Bus Network. Riding the bus is one of the cleanest and safest ways to get around, and advances key equity and transportation goals. Making DC's bus network more accessible to Ward 5 neighbors…

Eminent Domain and Council Recess

Dear Ward 5 neighbors, Yesterday, I introduced legislation that would authorize the Mayor to exercise eminent domain over the National Engineering Products (NEP) factory at 1950 Capitol Ave NE for use as a climate resilience hub. This would be the first climate resilience hub in Ward 5, and its location in Ivy City would be…

4th of July, Bus Meeting, Ivy City Small Area Plan, and More

Dear Ward 5 neighibors, With tomorrow’s holiday, I wanted to get this week’s newsletter out to you ahead of time to share important updates and reminders. You may have seen recent news from the Supreme Court—including upholding a ban on sleeping outside that will harm some of our most vulnerable neighbors, and ruling that…