Progress Report: January 2023 - January 2025
View and download the 2023-2025 Progress Report as a PDF here.

Building Healthy Communities Through...

1. Transformative Policy
See even more of the policy Councilmember Parker has championed by visiting the Legislation page on this website.

2. Fighting for Ward 5
Councilmember Parker continues to prioritize public safety, expanding affordable housing, improving traffic safety, caring for senior communities, and expanding access to food options and green space as he fights for Ward 5 on the Council. Click the image below to read more!

3. Accessible and Transparent Government
Every day, Councilmember Parker works to make sure government is working for you. Whether that’s by improving the Council’s rules and systems for public engagement; frequent communication through the Ward 5 Weekly newsletter and Ward 5 Wave podcast,; being responsive to constituent services requests,; or engaging in regular public safety community meetings; making government accessible and transparent is the goal!

Stay Connected!
There are lots of ways to stay engaged with our office and be involved in the every-day decisions on the Council that impact neighbors’ lives.
- Participate in upcoming events with our office by regularly checking the Upcoming Events page on this website.
- View the Council’s schedule and sign up to testify or submit written testimony on the Council’s website here.
- Stay up-to-date on the latest news from our office by subscribing to the Ward 5 Weekly newsletter (, listening to the Ward 5 Wave (, or drop us a line at 202-724-8028,