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4th of July, Bus Meeting, Ivy City Small Area Plan, and More

Dear Ward 5 neighbors, 

With tomorrow’s holiday, I wanted to get this week’s newsletter out to you ahead of time to share important updates and reminders. 

You may have seen recent news from the Supreme Court—including upholding a ban on sleeping outside that will harm some of our most vulnerable neighbors, and ruling that presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for “official acts.” Both rulings continue this court’s disturbing trend of undermining vital human rights and our democracy

Coincidentally, my newsletter to you last year at this time ahead of the 4th of July holiday also included disturbing news about unjust Supreme Court rulings. Just as it was last year, the proximity of such news to the celebration of this holiday is a reminder: we have always fallen short of the ideals set forth in our nation’s declared independence in 1776. I often think of Frederick Douglass on this holiday (and you can visit his home for a special 4th of July event tomorrow). Words from his famous What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? speech still ring true: “The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed.” May we continue to fight for the world we wish to see: a world of welcome, belonging, equity, and justice.

Keep in mind that there will be modified government services in observance of the 4th of July tomorrow. You can view a full list at this link, but here’s a quick overview: