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100 Days of Impact

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Ward 5 Weekly Newsletter
April 14, 2023

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Dear Ward 5 neighbors, 

This past Wednesday, April 12, we celebrated 100 days in office here in the Wilson building! A few members of my team reflected on what we've accomplished in these first 100 days. Take a look:

Councilmember Parker and staff reflect on the first 100 days in office.
I'm proud of the work we've done introducing significant legislation, holding District agencies accountable through clear and direct oversight, meeting constituent needs by processing hundreds of requests, joining with neighbors at countless ANC, SMD, Civic Association, and public safety meetings, and engaging the community through traffic safety walkthroughs, rat abatement walkthroughs, door-knocking, and more. 

What will we accomplish in the next 100? Share your thoughts, concerns, and priorities with us anytime -, 202-724-8028. We'd love to hear from you!

This week, I introduced new legislation addressing one significant aspect of gun violence in the District. You can read more about it in the Kendra's Corner section of this newsletter. With DCPS Spring Break kicking off, we're also sharing programming options available next week, important Ward 5-specific updates, and a number of events for you to enjoy in the coming days. 
Week in Review
On Monday, I was able to meet with several Ward 5 neighbors for one-on-one office hours, while jumping around to various budget oversight hearings including ones for DCHA (DC Housing Authority), DDOT (District Department of Transportation), DBH (Department of Behavioral Health) and DMPED (Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development). 
Tuesday brought several meetings with Ward 5 organizations and more budget oversight hearings for District agencies including one for CFSA (Child and Family Services Agency).
On Wednesday, my team celebrated 100 days in the Wilson building! I'm proud of what we've accomplished, and there's much more to come. After hopping in and out of a few budget oversight hearings, I went with several of my staff members to Trinidad for door-knocking and talking with neighbors. We were joined by ANCs and other community leaders (including ANC Commissioners Sebrena Rhodes, Anna Roblin, Salvador Sauceda-Guzman, Kathy Henderson, and Cotey Wynn from the Cure the Streets team), and had a beautiful afternoon discussing how we can work together to address crime, drugs, speeding, and trash. These are solvable issues. I want to give a special thanks to Cure the Streets—because of their help, we're now at 50+ days of no gun violence in this part of the Ward. A safer, healthier Ward 5 is possible. 
Wednesday evening, I spoke on a panel at the Human Rights Campaign about the documentary A Run for More, which details the story of a transgender woman running for office. I was able to share about living authentically in the face of opposition and having a more representative government. 
Thursday, I had several follow up conversations with District agencies on a number of Ward 5 concerns, including DBH, DDOT, and DCPS. I also met with Ward 6 Councilmember and Chair of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, Charles Allen, and the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to address ongoing concerns in Ward 5 around the National Engineering Products Plant in Ivy City. Neighbors have long complained about air pollution and odor coming from this factory. DOEE is doing ongoing analysis of the site out of an abunance of caution, after an initial analysis found that emissions from the plant were heightened. The EPA is hosting a virtual meeting for residents on April 27, and DOEE is updating its odor management guidelines soon, which would require the NEP to mitigate odor emissions.

Thursday evening, members of my team went out to various community meetings as we often do, but one event in particular stands out as a powerful moment. The candlelight vigil in honor of Deandre Holmes was a time for neighbors to come together and remember Deandre's bright, warm presence as a neighbor. He is dearly missed by his family, friends, and community.
Last night, I also had the opportunity to hear from a coalition of neighbors about budget requests and Ward 5 investments. These community members love our Ward!
Today, the Committee of the Whole heard from 150+ public witnesses on the mayor's proposed budget. While we grapple with the challenges of the many cuts this budget makes, I am grateful for the priorities residents shared: affordable housing, traffic safety, education, and supportive programs for our most vulnerable residents. I was also able to ask questions, and invite you to view the video below where I inquire about funds for Vision Zero and traffic safety
Councilmember Parker asks questions about Vision Zero funding at the Committee of the Whole Hearing on the FY24 Budget Proposal.
Ward 5 Updates
Spring Break Programming
As DCPS goes on Spring Break next week, April 17-21, the District is hosting daytime and evening programming to help keep students engaged during their out of school time. The week kicks off with the EventsDC Day of Play at the Fields at RFK. You can view an extensive list of offerings here, but we're highlighting some of the Ward 5-specific opportunities below: 
  • Esports Open Play @ Turkey Thicket Recreation Center - April 18, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
  • Spring Fling @ New York Ave Playground - April 19, 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
  • Teen Open Gym @ Trinidad Rec, Edgewood Rec, Brentwood Rec, J. Cole Rec, North Michigan Park Rec, and Turkey Thicket Rec - all week long
Remember, DC Public Libraries will be open all week (modified hours at certain locations for Emancipation Day observance on April 17), and Smithsonian Museums—including the National Zoo—are free to visit. Not far from Ward 5, the Shepherd Park Library is hosting a DCPS Spring Break Writing Camp all week, designed for middle school students and to encourage a love of language through poetry recitation and personal expression. Have a fun Spring Break, DCPS families!
Government Services Modified in Observance of
DC Emancipation Day on Monday, April 17
Sunday, April 16, marks DC's 161st Emancipation Day! The District will celebrate the holiday with a parade, concert, and fireworks on Saturday, April 15. Government services will observe the holiday on Monday, April 17. Here's a quick snapshot of holiday closures:
DC Public Libraries Only Open Online on Sunday April 16
This coming Sunday, April 16, DC Public Libraries will only be open online in observance of DC Emancipation Day. On Monday, April 17, while many District government entities will observe DC Emancipation Day, eight library locations will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., including Woodridge Neighborhood Library in Ward 5. 
Addressing the District's Opioid Crisis
According to the Centers for Disease Control, DC now ranks number one for all overdose deaths in the country. Ward 5 is hit particularly hard by this public health crisis, currently accounting for almost 20% of overdose deaths in the District. In the Department of Behavioral Health's recent budget oversight hearing, I asked questions around opportunities to respond with the urgency this crisis requires. Two small but meaningful steps for residents to take are to acquire free naloxone and participate in a free training. I will be fighting this budget season to fund direct services to affected communities, and for effective resources to turn things around. 
NY Ave Vision Framework Community Meeting

Join the next New York Ave Vision Framework Community Meeting on April 26 at 7:00 p.m. The District Office of Planning is working with residents, businesses, and other stakeholders from the communities along the New York Avenue NE corridor to develop a Vision Framework. The Vision Framework is the first part of a larger planning initiative to guide implementation of land use changes along New York Ave NE. The project's goals are to:

  • Advance racial equity.​
  • Unlock the corridor's potential to add affordable housing and good jobs. 
  • Increase resilience to environmental shocks and stressors. 
  • Establish a forward-looking approach to production, distribution, and repair (PDR) land uses that is equitable and economically sound. 
Learn more here
Survey on Police Interactions in Bloomingdale

The Executive Board of the Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA) is preparing to convene a neighborhood discussion about the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and its interaction with Bloomingdale. An important step in this process is to conduct a survey of Bloomingdale residents to gather baseline data about their experiences and expectations relative to police officers serving the neighborhood. Once the data is compiled and reviewed, the results will be shared at an upcoming BCA meeting. If you encounter any problems with the survey, please notify the BCA via email at: The survey is open now and will close on April 30.

Noyes Park Closed for Resurfacing

DGS would like to update the community that their resurfacing work at Noyes Playground is going well! The park will remain closed throughout the duration of their work, and we will update the community once repairs are done. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this closure.

Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Looking for Volunteers

Ward 5 Mutual Aid—a grassroots, neighbor-fueled collective providing mutual aid through grocery delivery, a supply hub, community support and more—is seeking to grow its network by adding more grocery runners, administrative assistance, and supply hub volunteers. Email to express interest and learn more. 

State Board of Education Hosts
Community Information Sessions

The DC State Board of Education (SBOE) is hosting Community Information Sessions on the Revised Social Studies Standards. Join SBOE Members and the SBOE Education Standard Specialist for an interactive session about these new standards online on Monday, April 24 at 7:00 p.m. Learn more and register here

Curbside Composting!
Starting this summer, the Department of Public Works' (DPW's) Office of Waste Diversion will launch the Curbside Composting Pilot Program, which will provide curbside food waste collection from 12,000 single-family households in the District of Columbia for one (1) year. Interested households must sign-up to participate in the Curbside Composting Pilot Program. Up to 1,500 households within each of the city's eight wards will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign-ups will open on April 22 at 9:00 a.m.
Open Streets in Ward 5
The highest rated Open Streets event of 2022 was on 12th St NE in Ward 5! This year there are only two Open Streets events, and Ward 5 will again be one of those. Mark your calendar for Sunday, June 4 from 9:00 a.m. on 3:00 p.m. on 12th St NE between Franklin St and Michigan Ave.
Office of the Attorney General in the Community
Attorney General Brian Schwalb is engaging in a citywide Listening Tour, and will be in Ward 5 on Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lamond-Riggs/Lillian J. Huff Neighborhood Library (5401 South Dakota Ave NE). I will be in conversation with him and neighbors about the work of the Office of the Attorney General, community concerns, and ways we can collaborate with the OAG. Because space is limited, community members who plan to attend are asked to RSVP. 
EPA to Host Virtual Meeting with Ivy City Residents About Local Air Monitoring Project
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will host a virtual community meeting for Ivy City residents on Thursday, April 27 at 6:00 p.m. EPA staff will explain how air monitoring and sampling will take place in Ivy City in the coming weeks, and answer questions and concerns from community members. EPA staff will install air monitoring canisters to capture air samples. The data collected will inform any actions under the Clean Air Act. EPA’s action is a follow-up to air sampling done by the District and will help provide a more comprehensive understanding of the air analysis for the community. To register for this virtual meeting, visit here. For additional information, email
Bladensburg Bus Garage Reconstruction Project
Spring Community Meeting

Registration is now open for the spring community engagement meeting for the Bladensburg Bus Garage Reconstruction Project. Join Metro in-person or virtually to discuss recent project updates and engage with Metro’s project leaders. Meeting topics will include:

  • A project overview
  • An update on design and construction activities
  • Metro's Zero Emission Bus Update
  • Community Updates

To learn more about the project visit Metro holds these meetings on a quarterly basis – be sure to check the project website for information on future meetings. You can also subscribe to receive updates.

Online Guides Showcasing Ward 5 and DC

Former Washington Post contributing writer, Austin Graff, has a DC Ward 5 guide on Instagram that our office recently came across. We wanted to share it with you! It's organized by neighborhood, and not all neighborhoods are complete in the guide yet. Check it out here

Additionally, Anela Malik, a food and travel guide, has curated this guide of Black-owned and Black-led dining in the DC area. You may spy some Ward 5 favorites!

ANC and Civic Association Meetings

This week, my team attended the ANC 5D, Eckington Civic Association, and North Woodridge Citizens Association meetings. Here's a brief recap: 

  • ANC 5D (April 10 at 7:00 p.m.):  Sidewalk and speed hump installation is underway in ANC 5D. Langston Day is officially scheduled for August 19 from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Director Dalano Hunter gave a presentation for DGS and the mayor's proposed budget, and how it applies to ANC 5D. Director Hunter also spoke on the mayor's initiative to convert under-utilized tennis courts to pickleball courts with the help of community input.   
  • Eckington Civic Association (April 10 at 7:00 p.m.): The Eckington Civic Association is looking for volunteers to plan Eckington Day 2023 so that this annual tradition can continue. The Civic Association is also continuing to partner with Eckington Parks & Arts to hold community cleanups every first and third Saturday. They are meeting at Yang Market at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow! More info available below in Team Zachary in the Community. We also shared my follow-up at DDOT’s budget hearing about the need for the agency to do more to prevent vehicles and motorcycles on the MBT. Director Everett Lott mentioned that he had heard from EP&A President Shoshana Sommer and ANC 5F Commissioner Mark Galvan about the issue as well and that DDOT plans to follow up in the next month.
  • North Woodridge Citizens Association (April 12 at 6:30 p.m.): Our office shared updates with the association from our most recent newsletter. A member of the community shared information on food safety.

Read below for this week's upcoming ANC and Civic Association Meetings (review this ANC Locator Map to see which meetings apply to you and email us if you'd like more information on how to attend):

  • Tuesday, April 18
    • 7:00 p.m.
      • ANC 5E
      • Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association 
  • Wednesday, April 19
    • 6:30 p.m.
      • Hanover Area Civic Association
    • 7:00 p.m.
      • ANC 5C
  • Thursday, April 20
    • 6:30 p.m.
      • Fort Lincoln Civic Association
Have a need, or want to share important information for ANC and Civic Association Meetings? Get in touch with one of our Constituent Services Coordinators:
  • 5A & 5C: Carlos McKnight,
  • 5B & 5D: Oliver Stoute,
  • 5E & 5F: Sam Bonar,
Constituent Testimony

"Exceptional constituent services! Mr. Carlos McKnight reflects that positive, can-do attitude."
- Ward 5 resident

Kendra Wiley is our office's Legislative Director. Typically, in this section of the newsletter, she provides updates on the Councilmember's legislative activities and educational pieces about the legislative process. This week, the section is written by our office's Deputy Chief of Staff, Conor Shaw.
New Legislation: Addressing Guns in the District

Welcome to Conor’s Corner!

Kendra is out today so I’m doing a takeover of Kendra—er—Conor’s Corner. It’s decidedly less stylish (alas, no red glasses or tweed blazer) but the purpose of this space is the same: to help you understand Councilmember Parker’s legislative agenda.

This week, I want to explain the legislation that Councilmember Parker and eight of his colleagues introduced on Tuesday: the Establishment of Reasonable Controls for the Firearm Industry Amendment Act of 2023. 

This legislation would allow the Office of the Attorney General and District residents to sue firearm industry members for harms caused by the manufacture or sale of a firearm-related product that is abnormally dangerous or likely to create an unreasonable risk of harm to public health and safety in the District. It would also permit suits against firearm industry members for harms caused by their failure to implement reasonable controls to prevent firearm trafficking; the loss or theft of firearms; failures to comply with firearm industry obligations to report the sale, transfer, theft, or loss of a firearm; or the unlawful manufacture, sale, possession, marketing, or use of a firearm-related product.

It is important for folks to understand that the law is structured to work within constraints imposed by the United States Congress, which has severely limited the ability of local jurisdictions to make firearm industry members for harms that they are indirectly responsible for. The law also is written to comply with United States Supreme Court case law that has aggressively expanded a personal Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms to the detriment of common-sense restrictions on firearms.

To be very clear, the form of liability envisioned here is not the sum of the Councilmember’s work on public safety or gun violence. Councilmember Parker supports rationalizing and updating the District’s criminal code to make convictions easier, as well as investing in violence prevention programs that aim to intervene with at-risk individuals before violence occurs. Councilmember Parker also supports criminal consequences for individuals who put others at risk by committing violent acts. At the end of the day, though, our office believes that there should be a path to accountability for firearm industry members whose failure to take reasonable precautions with their products causes harm to District residents.

Programs for the People
Free Lifeguard Training

DPR employs the International Lifeguard Training Program (ILTP) to train and certify lifeguards to work at both indoor and outdoor aquatic facilities throughout the District. The ILTP is an objective-driven program that produces lifeguards that perform at a higher level than those of other national/international training agencies. DPR is excited to offer these FREE lifeguard training certification courses for Summer 2023. Courses run through June 2023. DC residents and residents from surrounding areas can register now

Upcoming eCycle DC Events

Properly recycling electronics conserves natural resources, ensures appropriate handling of toxic materials, provides a more sustainable source of precious metals, and protects human health and the environment. eCycle DC is a program to provide opportunities for District residents to safely dispose of electronic items. These events are approved by DOEE as required by DC law. Computers, TVs, and related equipment are accepted for free from DC residents, small businesses, and small nonprofits. Upcoming events and the full list of accepted items are posted here. You can view a full list and definition fact sheet of accepted items here. Don't miss Ward 5's upcoming collection days:

  • Thursday, April 27, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    O’Boyle Hall Parking Lot
    305 Fort Slemmer Drive NE
  • Saturday, May 13 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Near 700 Monroe St NE
    (Near Monroe St Farmers Market)
OUC is Hiring!

The Office of Unified Communications (OUC) is hiring thirty (30) Telecommunications Equipment Operators - 911 Universal Call Takers. Apply today to become a first, first responder. You can apply here using the Job ID: 21545. Application period ends July 7, 2023.

Haiku Contest at DC Public Library

Celebrate National Poetry Month with DC Public Library! Residents ages 6 and up are invited to submit a haiku to the 2023 Haiku Contest from April 1 - 30.

Write a haiku about one of the following themes:
✎ a DC moment / observed in DC, ✎ something you're grateful for,
✎ seasons, or
✎ something small and wild.

Each participating library will select a winner in the following age categories, Children (6-12), Teen (13-19) and Adult (20+). Prize-winners will take home library swag and have their poem posted in the library and on the DC Public Library's website in May! There is a limit of two entries per person. Learn more about National Poetry Month at DC Public Libraries here.

Bloomingdale Civic Association Scholarship

The Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA) is currently accepting applications for its 2023 Scholarship Award! Each spring, the BCA awards two scholarships in the amount of $1,500. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to graduating high school seniors currently living in the Bloomingdale neighborhood, or who attend either Dunbar or McKinley Technology High Schools. Learn more and apply here. Applications are due by April 28.

Lamond-Riggs Citizens Association Scholarship
Are you a graduating High School Senior?
Will you be attending college this coming Fall, 2023?
Are you a resident of the Lamond-Riggs community?
Do you attend a DC public school (traditional or charter)? 

If you meet the requirements listed above, then consider applying for this great scholarship opportunity! LRCA will award at least three (3) Academic Excellence Scholarships to eligible high school graduating seniors residing within the LRCA boundaries, who will attend an accredited* college or university. Scholarship awards will range from $500 to $1,000. Applications are due by May 5. Learn more and apply here.

*For a list of accredited colleges and universities, please visit

Youth Climate Summit with
the Office of the People's Counsel

This event is the Office of the People's Counsel's (OPC’s) second in a series of Community Conversations on Climate Change. The event will take place on Saturday, April 29, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Catholic University’s Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center. The target audience for “Our Planet, Our Future: An OPC Summit to Empower Youth & DC Communities,” will be Gen Z and millennials. However, DC residents of all ages are urged to attend. Learn more and register for the Youth Climate Summit here.

Parents' Tax and Family Law Clinic
Mother's Outreach Network is offering in-person and virtual workshops and one-on-one advice for filing your taxes, as well as custody and child protection register rights in DC. Free-of-charge, they will answer your questions and allow the opportunity for scheduling individualized sessions after each workshop. You can RSVP and learn more here
Team Zachary in the Community
Ward 5
ANC 5E04 Neighborhood Cleanup hosted by Commissioner Imtiaz
April 15 - 10:00 a.m.

@ 150 V ST NW
Time for some neighborhood spring cleaning! Join Commissioner Huma Imtiaz tomorrow morning to help pick up trash and get to meet fellow neighbors. Trash pickup supplies will be provided. Details below! Call Commissioner Imtiaz at 202-240-2638 if you'd like to join after the 10:00 a.m. start time.
Community Clean-up Day
April 15 - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

@ Yang Market (meet-up spot - 138 U St NE)
You're invited to join the Eckington Civic Association & Eckington Parks and Arts for a community clean-up tomorrow! Meet up at Yang Market and leaders will distribute supplies (trash bags and gloves). Meet new neighbors while you're at it! Two bonuses: First, there's a limited number of bright orange Eckington Civic Association t-shirts that will be handed out. Note that there are some children's sizes. First come, first served! Second, if anyone brings three folks from their block, a team will join you in cleaning up your block either this time or next month. Springtime is a great time to meet your neighbors and beautify your neighborhood.  
Friends of the Woodridge Library Book Sale
April 15 - 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

@ Woodridge Neighborhood Library (1801 Hamlin St NE)
Find an irresistible, wide selection of books—in almost every subject and genre—available for purchase. Childrens books start at $.50 and adult books start at $1. Proceeds support the Woodridge Neighborhood Library.
A Celebration of Jazz Poetry
April 15 - 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

@ Woodridge Neighborhood Library (1801 Hamlin St NE)
The DC Public Library Foundation presents Jazz Poetry, featuring the Jogo Project and special invited poets. Join for this special event at the Woodridge Library. 
Art Enables - Opening Reception for New Exhibitions
April 15 - 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.

@ Art Enables (2204 Rhode Island Ave NE)
Art Enables is delighted to announce two new exhibitions opening on April 15: "Down the Street: Rhode Island Ave" and "Garden Variety." Don't miss the opening reception celebrating these incredible exhibitions this Saturday, April 15, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. "Down the Street: Rhode Island Ave" includes depictions of this beloved Ward 5 corridor's landmarks, storefronts, and quirks, collaged to create an immersive, mash-up impression of the neighborhood that spills off the gallery walls. Buildings, windows, signs, trees, and potted flowers rendered in black paint and marker are cut, pasted, folded, and reassembled. You will have the chance to meet the artists and engage in conversation about their work while supporting Art Enables' mission to amplify the creative careers of artists with disabilities. Complimentary wine and refreshments will be served. Learn more here.
Plant Giveaway and Beautification Day
April 22 - 9:00 a.m.

@ 1st St and R St NW Triangle Park (Big Bear Cafe)
Hosted by the Bloomingdale Civic Association and Bloomingdale ANC Commissioners, come clean tree boxes, water planters, pick up trash, and say hi to fellow neighbors. For the plant giveaway, come early for the best selection! Sign up to volunteer in advance by emailing Amelia Lofton at 
Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild Annual Plant Sale
April 29 - 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
April 30 - 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
@ 1400 Quincy St NE

Join the Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild for their Annual Plant & Herb Sale on Saturday, April 29, and Sunday, April 30. A wide selection of herbs, vegetables, roses, annuals, perennials, shrubs, fruit trees, camellias, and azaelas will be available for purchase. Food and crafts will also be sold. Bring some gorgeous Monastery-grown plants to your own yard.
Around DC
Penn Quarter:
OSSE Hiring Fair
April 19 - 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
@ Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (901 G St NW)

In partnership with DCHR, OSSE is excited to participate in the "Spring into a New Career" hiring fair. This hiring fair is intended to provide great candidates a chance to learn more about OSSE and their work, as well as provide an opportunity for you to chat with recruiters and hiring managers at our agency. OSSE has several positions available for which you can apply. Before you attend, you must register for the fair.
Jobs Not Guns Recruitment Fair in Ward 4
April 22 - 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
@ Calvin Coolidge High School (6315 5th St NW)

The DC Business Gun Violence Prevention Coalition, in partnership with DC Councilmember Janeese Lewis George (Ward 4), is hosting the “Ward 4 Jobs Not Guns Recruitment Fair “ to provide a vehicle for employers, training programs and support services working with community leaders and residents to address and overcome the barriers that employers and District residents face regarding hiring District residents. Learn more and register here.
Southwest Waterfront & Tidal Basin:
National Cherry Blossom Festival
March 20 - April 16

The National Cherry Blossom Festival runs from March 20 through April 16, and is packed with events including the Cherry Blossom Parade on April 15. For a full list of events and information, visit the festival's website.
Federal Triangle:
Emancipation Day Celebration, Parade, and Fireworks
April 15 - 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
@ Freedom Plaza (Pennsylvania Ave NW between 10th and 14th Streets)

Join for this year's Emancipation Day celebrations with a parade at 2:00 p.m., concert beginning at 3:00 p.m., and fireworks at 8:30 p.m. The DC Compensated Emancipation Act of 1862 ended slavery in Washington, DC, freed 3,100 individuals, reimbursed those who had enslaved these individuals, and offered the newly freed women and men money to emigrate. It is this legislation—and the courage and struggle of those who fought to make it a reality—that we commemorate every April 16 as DC Emancipation Day. Join the celebration this year on Saturday, April 15. Learn more here.
Congress Heights:
WMATA's Better Bus Experience LIVE! Launch Party
April 21 - 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
@ THEARC - Black Box (1901 Mississippi Ave SE)

Visit the Better Bus Experience LIVE! Launch Party, check out the draft new bus network, and share your feedback with WMATA. Join this free event with food, fun, and a first-hand look at everything the new bus network has to offer. Learn more here.
LeDroit Park:
Earth Day Everyday
April 22 - 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
@ Common Good City Farm (300 V St NW)

Join Common Good City Farm for their Spring kick-off Earth Day Celebration on Saturday April 22 from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Shop their pay-what-you-can farm market, bring children for fun crafts, practice yoga, enjoy prepared foods, and learn how you can take action to protect the environment! Registration is encouraged by not required here.
News You Can Use
Most-clicked links from last week's newsletter (not just news!)—
One highlight of my week was seeing DPW follow through on my many requests for enforcement on 8th St NE by booting Sunbelt's rental trucks. Sunbelt has disregarded the law for years, and has tens of thousands of dollars in outstanding tickets. We met with them a few weeks ago regarding these issues, and this follow-up enforcement by DPW is vital. I will continue to push for safe accommodations on Ward 5 streets. 

As always, we invite you to use this form to provide feedback on how we're doing. We'd love to hear from you anytime. 

Yours in service and community, 


Want to reach one of our staff members?
Save this directory to stay in touch with us.

Chief of Staff, Rachelle Roberts -, 202-724-8918
Deputy Chief of Staff, Conor Shaw -, 202-724-8172
Legislative Director, Kendra Wiley -, 202-724-8192
Communications Director, Melissa Littlepage -, 202-724-8028
Constituent Services Coordinator, Carlos McKnight -, 202-478-2456
Constituent Services Coordinator, Oliver Stoute -, 202-724-8107
Constituent Services Coordinator, Sam Bonar -, 202-724-1344
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