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Budget Wins, Traffic Safety, and Public Safety

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Ward 5 Weekly Newsletter
April 28, 2023

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Dear Ward 5 neighbors, 

We have reached a critical point in the budget process: Committee mark-ups. Since the mayor sent the budget to Council in late March, we have been conducting budget oversight hearings, receiving testimony from public and government witnesses, and hearing from advocacy organizations on how to improve on the mayor's proposal. 

On Tuesday, I joined the Fair Budget Coalition on the steps of the Wilson building to share the reminder that housing, food, and safety are not luxuries—they're essential. In a city as wealthy as ours, we must ask ourselves how we will meet the essential needs of all residents.

This newsletter details Ward 5-specific investments we're proud to see proposed by Council Committees. It's important to note that the budget will not be final until the end of May. We will vote on the budget twice: May 16 and May 30. I will continue to fight to ensure that the investments shared below remain in the draft budget. Thank you to the many neighbors who have advocated, contacted our office, and provided invaluable input throughout the budget process. Your voices are vital! 
Ward 5 Budget Wins

This week, Council Committees released their FY24 Budget Reports and Recommendations. These recommendations are not final (the full Council will have opportunities to amend and vote on the full budget twice); however, it is exciting to share that we are one step closer to the following Ward 5 budget wins:  

Targeted Investments in Community Safety

  • $200K for improvements to enhance security and cameras at Edgewood Terrace 

  • $200K for a Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health Targeted Outreach Pilot targeted on the 1100-1300 blocks of Mount Olivet Road NE in Trinidad  

Progress on Traffic Safety

  • Funded legislation requiring DDOT to establish a speed limit of 15 mph in school zones between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  

  • Fully funded the Arboretum Bridge and Trail, which can proceed to construction in the next two years

  • $1 million for a tactical road diet to slow down dangerous drivers on South Dakota Avenue in FY24
  • The Report and Recommendations from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment also bolsters traffic safety enforcement and rededicates future traffic camera revenue to traffic safety improvements, and funded an electric bicycle rebate program that will be finalized in legislation this year

Protected Future Capital Funding for Ward 5 Safety Projects, including

  • $11 million to continue developing concepts for the redesign of North Capitol Street in FY25

  • $27 million to overhaul the New York Avenue corridor, including the construction of the New York Avenue trail in FYs 26 and 28

  • $27 million to overhaul the Bladensburg Avenue corridor in FYs 28 and 29

Investments in Ward 5 Schools, Libraries, Recreation Centers and Programs

  • $181,721 to repair or partially replace the roof of Burroughs Elementary School

  • $125,000 to improve the cafeteria bathroom at Langdon Elementary School 

  • $100,000 to repair or partially replace the roof of McKinley Tech 

  • $50,000 to improve, refresh, or refurbish playground equipment at Burroughs Elementary School

  • $50,000 to replace a control module at Noyes Elementary School 

  • Funding for FoodPrints, which serves Burroughs and Langley Elementary Schools 

  • $15 million to complete the new community center at Crummell School in FY24 

  • $24.7 million to complete the Langdon Community Center redevelopment (funding in FY24) 

  • $24.7 million for a new DCPL Branch Library in Edgewood/Eckington (most funding in FY24/FY25) 

  • $19 million for the modernization of Harry Thomas Recreation Center (funding in FY24/FY25) 
  • Ward 5 school modernizations at Burroughs, Browne, Bunker Hill, and Langley will proceed as scheduled 
  • Updates to ensure that several currently excluded Ward 5 businesses in Trinidad, Arboretum, and Woodridge would be eligible for Great Streets grant funding in future years.  

Other proposals we’re excited about and fighting for


  • Restoring funding for Baby Bonds, which was cut by the Mayor. This law establishes a trust fund for each new child born to a lower-income family after October 1, 2021—a crucial tool to close generational wealth disparities in the District. 

  • Funding for the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022, which will enable non-citizen residents to vote in local elections (and run for and serve as ANCs!)   


  • Enhancing funding for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) to $14.3 million to assist low- and moderate-income tenants facing eviction, while improving transparency in the program. We have more work to close the enormous deficit created by the Mayor’s decision to cut $35 million from this program year over year. 

  • Bolstering accountability in housing voucher and public housing administration by mandating and funding an annual independent audit of the DC Housing Authority (DCHA), making reforms to enhance transparency and leadership training, and limiting executive bonuses.


  • Expanding preventative maintenance program at District-owned facilities 

  • Make it easier to report maintenance issues at DGS-maintained school and park facilities by requiring that such requests be incorporated into the 311 platform

  • Requiring DGS to perform an annual comprehensive assessment of school security components (i.e., door locks, security systems, PA systems, etc.)

Traffic Safety

  • Restore 28 parking enforcement officers, 5 members of the booting team, and 2 parking enforcement support staff—most of which were cut by the Mayor  

Environmental Protection

  • Make it easier for the District Office of the Attorney General to bring civil suits for damages and other relief to strengthen the District’s enforcement against illegal disposal of solid waste

Public Safety

  • Increase funding for Access to Justice grants by $2,500,000 in FY24 and $6,506,797 across the financial plan, providing meaningful support for civil legal aid providers who engage daily with underserved District residents 

  • $917,000 across the financial plan to support implementation of provisions within the Comprehensive Policing and Justice Amendment Act of 2022 to enhance the Office of Police Complaints


  • Funding for Metro For All, which would make bus rides originating in the District free and establish 24/7 services on the District's 12 busiest bus routes at headways of 20 minutes or less, including the 80, 92, and H4 bus routes in Ward 5


  • Fund $990,000 to expand access to diagnosis and treatment of infertility under the Expanding Access to Fertility Treatment Amendment Act of 2023, and expand Medicaid and Alliance coverage and medication treatment of infertility

  • Restore $250,000 for people with HIV/AIDS or cancer to have stable housing and appropriate medical care through Joseph’s House, a place that provides nursing care and housing support

  • Fund $325,000 for a peer educator pilot program for school-based behavioral health, training students to provide resources to their peers including delivering behavioral health education materials and presentations, 1-on-1 sessions with peers, and help students connect with their school-based behavioral health clinicians. Many students say they aren’t aware their school has this program, don’t know what it provides, and don’t know who their onsite clinician is. 

  • Transfer $822,367 to COW for the Healthy Schools Fund at OSSE to spend on school garden grants, nutrition education grants, and school cafeteria equipment and training grants

  • Access to healthy food funding for: Healthy Food Access Grants, Healthy Corners program, and Produce Plus

  • Recommend the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) prioritize cultural competency training for all staff to help staff understand and address the barriers underrepresented groups face when trying to access treatment

  • Address maternal health by funding $225,000 for home visits for first-time mothers eligible for Medicaid

  • Encourage the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) to apply for Medicaid reimbursement and funding for violence interruption programs such as the Office of Neighborhood and Safety and Engagement (ONSE) and Office of the Attorney General's Cure the Streets

I am proud of these investments that came as result of your advocacy and my team's work alongside Council colleagues. However, I am still fighting for investments that are important to Ward 5 and District residents. One in particular is giving SNAP a raise. At a time when families are seeing higher costs for food, they're also seeing their SNAP benefits reduced as Congress has allowed pandemic-era benefits to expire. We must work together to ensure that all residents can live and thrive in the District.

Ward 5 Updates
Public Safety Update
Public safety remains top-of-mind for many District residents, and my team is in regular communication with MPD District Commanders, Violence Interrupters, the OAG's Cure the Streets program, ANCs, and other community leaders as we work to build a safer Ward 5. This week, members of my team joined MPD and Home Depot staff at their parking lot in Brentwood to address safety concerns of customers, staff, and Brentwood residents. Here are a few other important updates: 
  • We've requested increased security presence at the Fort Totten Metro Station following recent incidents of fights
  • My team met this week with violence interrupters during the Brentwood/Brookland Manor Youth and Families Stakeholder Meeting. During the meeting, we discussed recent incidents of violence in the community and brainstormed ways to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. We discussed plans to engage with and support individuals who are at risk of engaging in or being victims of violent behavior. This meeting was focused on developing and implementing effective strategies to reduce violence in the Brookland Manor neighborhood through community events and wrap-around services. There are several different violence interruption programs, including Cure the Streets from the Office of the Attorney General, which contracts with NAARC in Ward 5, as well as groups contracted with the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE). We are working to see these different groups coordinating together more effectively as we've experienced the positive impact violence interruption programs have in our Ward. You can track data from these various programs and their effectiveness here.
  • Mark your calendars for our next Public Safety Community Meeting, this time focused on the Brookland community, May 11 at 6:00 p.m. Location TBD. For questions about this upcoming meeting, please contact Constituent Services Coordinator, Oliver Stoute, at, or ANC 5B06 Commissioner Prita Piekara at
  • An investigation is ongoing regarding metal canisters recovered in Fort Totten on April 18. We have been in regular communication with the National Park Service (NPS) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as they've continued their work investigating these and other concerns related to Fort Circle Park and toxic waste, and plan to have more updates for the community soon.
  • This week, MPD Chief Robert Contee announced he is retiring from the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and heading to a new role with the FBI. I want to thank Chief Contee for his service, and his dedication as a son of DC and native of Ward 5. I look forward to engaging in the confirmation process for a new MPD Chief. Mayor Bowser has indicated she intends to nominate a new chief by June.
Updates on Two Fires in Ward 5 Last Week
Last week, our community tragically suffered two fires: one in the Fort Lincoln neighborhood, and one in the Brentwood neighborhood. My team responded to both. Read below for updates: 
  • Fort Lincoln: On the morning of Friday, April 21 at approximately 7:00 a.m., Fire & EMS responded to a 2 alarm fire in a Fort Lincoln senior building in the 3200 Block of Fort Lincoln Drive NE. Our team arrived on the scene and worked with Fire & EMS, HSEMA and the Building management to support the needs of those displaced. One individual was transported to the hospital and is stable, while 18 others were displaced and provided temporary shelter. Building management has been working to return residents to their homes this week and we are working to ensure all residents needs are addressed.
  • Brentwood/Brookland Manor: On the morning of Saturday, April 22, Fire & EMS responded to a fire at Brookland Manor on the 1400 block of Saratoga Ave NE. FEMS contained the fire. Our team arrived in the scene and worked with FEMS, MOCRS, Ward 5 Mutual Aid, Red Cross, and building management to support the 7 people who were displaced. The individual living in the apartment where the fire started sadly lost his life. Red Cross provided temporary housing for the weekend and our office worked with Ward 5 Mutual Aid to make sure displaced residents had clothes and groceries. On Monday, the Office of the Tenant Advocate helped the displaced neighbors get into a hotel for 2 weeks. After this time period, building management has committed to rehousing those affected.
Update on Firehouse 26
We've received several inquiries from neighbors about the future of Firehouse 26. Currently located along Rhode Island Ave NE at Brentwood Rd NE, FEMS has assessed that in order to comply with required response rates and times, this Firehouse needs to be moved closer to neighborhoods further east. One of the proposed new sites is at 20th St/Queens Chapel Rd and Evarts St NE, which is currently Model Cities Senior Wellness Center and a forested area. The Center would be expanded and co-located with the new Firehouse. There are many concerns about moving Firehouse 26 to this location, and several neighbors have voiced opposition. We've scheduled a meeting with FEMS to explore further. We will also be holding a community meeting in June (more information soon) to address the future of Firehouse 26. For more details on this project, ANC 5C07 Commissioner VJ Kapur has provided a thorough and helpful overview here. In the Committee on the Judicary and Public Safety's Report and Recommendations on the FY24 Budget for Agencies under its Purview (released this week), $3.5 million is maintained in the capital plan for this project. 
Traffic Safety Walkthrough on South Dakota Ave

Mark your calendars for May 11 at 10:00 a.m. to join me and DDOT Director Lott for a Traffic Safety Walk along South Dakota Ave. We will meet at the intersection of Rhode Island Ave and South Dakota Ave. Questions ahead of time? Feel free to reach out to my office: 202-724-8028,

Final Public Housing Waitlist Eligibility Event

DCHA is holding an invitation-only event on May 1 for individuals already on the DCHA waitlist. This is the final opportunity for individuals on the waitlist to receive an eligibility determination to be connected with a unit. After this event, the low income public housing waitlist will be updated. To ensure that only currently waitlisted individuals attend, they've asked that the information not be widely shared, and individuals have already been contacted directly. If you are a waitlisted individual who has not been effectively reached, please contact our office (202-724-8028, and we will provide more information.

Noyes Elementary Playgrounds
Community Grand Opening

Tomorrow, Saturday April 29 at 10:00 a.m., Noyes Elementary School will celebrate the opening of two new playgrounds on campus. Come celebrate the ribbon cutting! 

Additionally, just across Franklin St NE, Noyes Playground has reopened as of last Friday, April 21, following resurfacing work conducted by DGS (Department of General Services). Although it's rainy today, the weather should clear by tomorrow morning for a day of fun play!

Enrollment Saturday at DC Schools!

It's time to register your child at their matched school or re-enroll for the 2023-24 school year! View this list for schools that will be available tomorrow, April 29, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., in addition to their regularly scheduled hours, to provide enrollment support to new and returning families. Please contact schools directly for additional information and instructions. A parent or legal guardian must enroll their child. Enrollment takes place directly with the school. Reminder: If you were matched to a school in the lottery for the 2023-24 school year, you have until May 1, 2023, to enroll your child at their matched school. If you do not enroll your child at their matched school by that date, they may lose their space at the school. Enrolling your child at their matched school will not remove them from other schools' waitlists.

Repaving Project on Michigan Ave NE

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will begin a repaving project along Michigan Avenue NE between 7th Street NE and John McCormack Road NE (near Catholic University and the Starbucks Reserve) on or about Monday, May 8. This work will include repair of curbs and gutters, and resurfacing of the roadway pavement within the project limits. It is estimated to take approximately two weeks to complete, weather permitting. Due to the nature of the work, curbside parking will be restricted at this location during construction. At least one lane of traffic will be maintained throughout the construction area. The contractor is allowed to work between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Please note the temporary “EMERGENCY NO PARKING” signs displaying the date and time of the construction work and move your vehicle if necessary. These signs will be posted on the streets a minimum of 72 hours before the start of work. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact DDOT engineer Mr. Delante Toyer at, 202-391-8236 (cell), or 202-671-4572 (office).

Bladensburg Bus Garage Reconstruction Project
Spring Community Meeting

Registration is now open for the Spring Community Engagement Meeting for the Bladensburg Bus Garage Reconstruction Project, which will take place on Tuesday, May 2 at 6:00 p.m. Join Metro in-person (at Woodridge Neighborhood Library - 1801 Hamlin St NE) or virtually (link to join sent after registering) to discuss recent project updates and engage with Metro’s project leaders. Meeting topics will include:

  • A project overview
  • An update on design and construction activities
  • Metro's Zero Emission Bus Update
  • Community Updates

To learn more about the project visit Metro holds these meetings on a quarterly basis – be sure to check the project website for information on future meetings. You can also subscribe to receive updates.

Restoration Work on Rhode Island Ave NE
DC Water’s contractor will begin milling and paving on the 400 block of Rhode Island Avenue NE during the week of May 1. Milling is a process of removing old asphalt from the top layer of the roadway so new asphalt can be applied. The contractor expects that this work will be completed in two days, depending on the weather. Work hours will be during the non-rush hour period between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Temporary parking restrictions will be placed on Rhode Island Avenue NE and the No Parking signs will be removed when the work is completed. The east crosswalk at the intersection of Rhode Island Avenue NE and 4th Street NE will be closed. Pedestrians will be directed to cross at the remaining open crosswalks.
During work hours, motorists will be directed to use the 4th Street NE entrance of the BP gas station, and the 5th Street NE entrance to access the small shopping center parking lot located on the 400 block of Rhode Island Ave NE.
Help Name NoMa's Newest Public Spaces
The well-known intersection of Florida Ave NE and New York Ave NE, also known as the "Virtual Circle" or "Dave Thomas Circle," will soon be transformed to make it safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers, and improved to include a trio of thoughtfully-landscaped urban spaces for the community to enjoy. Help participate in the naming of these new spaces by visiting
Metro 2023 Major Construction Impacts Fort Totten
Metro recently announced travel alternatives to help customers prepare for the 2023 Major Construction scheduled for this summer. These projects begin May 12, but Ward 5 routes are not impacted until July 22. July 22-23, the Green Line will not operate from Georgia Ave-Petworth to Greenbelt. From July 24 to September 4, the Green Line will not operate from Fort Totten to Greenbelt. Learn more here. Shuttle service will be provided. View shuttle service options below:
ANC and Civic Association Meetings

This week, my team attended the ANC 5A, ANC 5F, Bloomingdale Civic Association, and Joint SMD 5B06/5C07 meetings. Here's a brief recap: 

  • Bloomingdale Civic Association (April 24 at 7:00 p.m.): My office will be looking into next steps for the study of North Capitol and what the budget says about future street redesign. Bloomingdale Community Day on May 20 will be a huge event and they are seeking volunteers and tabling orgs. 
  • ANC 5F (April 25 at 7:00 p.m.): Questions were circulated about different capital projects (including Harry Thomas Rec Center) in recent budgets and what stipulations were put on each of them. 
  • ANC 5A (April 26 at 6:45 p.m.): The ANC approved three resolutions, including a vote in favor of the redevelopment of the McDonald’s located at 4950 South Dakota Ave NE, and another in support of a resolution to pressure the National Park Service (NPS) to fully survey Fort Circle Park and the soil. Representatives from UDC shared about the UDC Campus Project at Bertie Backus. 
  • Joint SMD 5B06/5C07 (April 26 at 7:00 p.m.): Allison Clausen of Landon Park Neighbors, a group dedicated to improvements and beautifications of Langdon Park, gave an announcement for their kickoff event in Langdon Park on May 6 at 1:00 p.m. Pablo Ortiz of Aurora Market is looking to bring a neighborhood grocery to 2006 Rhode Island Ave NE. Mr. Ortiz gave the community information on the type of license they were seeking as well as answered questions from community members. Xscape Restaurant and Lounge is planning to open in the old SIP/1812 Lounge space. The property will be fully renovated serving African food and having live music. 

Read below for this week's upcoming ANC and Civic Association Meetings (review this ANC Locator Map to see which meetings apply to you and email us if you'd like more information on how to attend):

  • Monday, May 1
    • 7:00 p.m.
      • Stronghold Civic Association
      • Lamond-Riggs Citizens Association
  • Tuesday, May 2
    • 7:00 p.m.
      • Woodridge Civic Association
Have a need, or want to share important information for ANC and Civic Association Meetings? Get in touch with one of our Constituent Services Coordinators:
  • 5A & 5C: Carlos McKnight,
  • 5B & 5D: Oliver Stoute,
  • 5E & 5F: Sam Bonar,
Kendra Wiley is our office's Legislative Director. In this section of the newsletter, she provides updates on the Councilmember's legislative activities and educational pieces about the legislative process.
What is a Budget Committee Mark-up?

Last week was the end of the budget oversight hearings. The next step in the budget process for the FY24 Proposed Budget and Financial Plan is for the committees to gather all the data and testimony from the oversight hearings and make recommendations about the budget for the agencies they oversee. Each Committee Chair releases a report that includes changes to the Mayor’s proposed funding allocations and number of staff along with policy recommendations explaining the proposed changes, and how agencies can improve their performance and spending of taxpayer dollars. A key point to note is that the Council can only shift funds from one program to another; it cannot spend more than the total amount in the Mayor’s budget. So if Council wants to fund new initiatives, it must find the money through funding sources such as creating or raising taxes or fees to pay for it.

This week each committee released a draft FY24 budget report (which can be found here) and held mark-up hearings. The Committee Mark-up Hearings were opportunities for the Councilmembers to voice their support for the changes made and voice concerns about items that still need to be funded.

What's Next for the FY24 Budget?
The annual DC Council budget is legislation which means the entire Council must pass it with two votes just like any other piece of legislation. The different pieces of the DC budget include the Local Budget Act (LBA), the Budget Support Act (BSA), the Federal Portion Budget Request Act, and the Supplemental Budget for the current fiscal year.
  • The Local Budget Act – allocates funding for each agency. This is where the numbers are. This piece states how much funding each agency gets and a breakdown of how it should be spent.
  • The Budget Support Act – When a program or priority is funded and the authority or instructions on how to spend the money either does not exist or needs to be changed in the laws, the BSA is the legislative text that gives agencies that authority. It also includes new laws that may not be directly related to the budget.
  • The Federal Portion Budget Request Act – DC's budget includes federal payments Congress makes to the District, which means these federal funds are subject to the federal appropriations process. Examples include federal payments made to DC for the District of Columbia Courts, money from the federal government for the testing and treatment of HIV/AIDS, and funding for public and charter schools.
  • The Supplemental Budget – At this point, the District is about halfway through the current fiscal year. This revised budget adjusts allocations made from when the budget passed last summer. It looks at how things are going and makes adjustments for additional revenue, shortfalls, and changes agencies may be experiencing in spending down the money they’re given.
The Council will vote on the FY24 budget on May 16 and May 30 (with the last vote on the BSA happening in June). Then the entire budget, just like other DC legislation, will go to Congress for the 30-day Congressional review period.
Programs for the People
DC History Center Family History Day

Bring your families to the DC History Center, 801 K Street Northwest Washington, DC 20001, tomorrow, April 29 for a day of genealogy fun! Creative activities will take place from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. During quick, scheduled pop-up talks, hear from program partner Gigi Nelson and high school students from the Real World History class. Their family history stories will inspire your own curiosity and fuel your excitement to get started. Reserve free tickets here.

DC Tax Revision Commission Town Halls
Taxes are crucial to our city’s ability to thrive. Our DC taxes pay for schools, roads, parks, health care, libraries, public safety and so much more. The District deserves a tax system that is resilient, equitable, economically competitive and reasonably easy to deal with. Does our current system live up to those standards? The DC Tax Revision Commission needs to hear from you!

The DC Tax Revision Commission, chaired by former Mayor Anthony Williams, is inviting members of the public to two town halls—one in person and another virtual—to hear what they think about the District’s tax system:
The IN-PERSON town hall will be on Monday, May 1st at 7 pm at THEARC West's Black Box Theater (1801 Mississippi Ave, SE 20020). Participants can register HERE
The VIRTUAL town hall will be Thursday, May 4th at 6:30 pm. Participants can register HERE
Lamond-Riggs Citizens Association Scholarship - Applications Due Next Week
Are you a graduating High School Senior?
Will you be attending college this coming Fall, 2023?
Are you a resident of the Lamond-Riggs community?
Do you attend a DC public school (traditional or charter)? 

If you meet the requirements listed above, then consider applying for this great scholarship opportunity! LRCA will award at least three (3) Academic Excellence Scholarships to eligible high school graduating seniors residing within the LRCA boundaries, who will attend an accredited* college or university. Scholarship awards will range from $500 to $1,000. Applications are due by May 5. Learn more and apply here.

*For a list of accredited colleges and universities, please visit

DC Jobs with Justice
Workers' Rights Training
DC Jobs with Justice will hold two training sessions to help District workers better understand and protect their rights and wages. Come to learn about the District's upcoming minimum wage increase and laws governing paid sick leave and overtime pay. Training sessions are open to all; individuals working in the restaurant service, hospitality, retail, construction, and domestic industries are strongly encouraged to attend. Translation can be provided.

Dates: Wednesday, May 3, at 6:30 p.m., Room 401-G
and Thursday, May 4, at 6:30 p.m., Room 401-F
Location: MLK Library, 901 G Street NW
Upcoming eCycle DC Event

Properly recycling electronics conserves natural resources, ensures appropriate handling of toxic materials, provides a more sustainable source of precious metals, and protects human health and the environment. eCycle DC is a program to provide opportunities for District residents to safely dispose of electronic items. These events are approved by DOEE as required by DC law. Computers, TVs, and related equipment are accepted for free from DC residents, small businesses, and small nonprofits. Upcoming events and the full list of accepted items are posted here. You can view a full list and definition fact sheet of accepted items here. Don't miss Ward 5's upcoming collection day:

  • Saturday, May 13 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Near 700 Monroe St NE
    (Near Monroe St Farmers Market)
OUC is Hiring!

The Office of Unified Communications (OUC) is hiring thirty (30) Telecommunications Equipment Operators - 911 Universal Call Takers. Apply today to become a first, first responder. You can apply here using the Job ID: 21545. Application period ends July 7, 2023.

Team Zachary in the Community
Ward 5
Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild Annual Plant Sale
April 29 - 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
April 30 - 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
@ 1400 Quincy St NE

Join the Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild for their Annual Plant & Herb Sale on Saturday, April 29, and Sunday, April 30. A wide selection of herbs, vegetables, roses, annuals, perennials, shrubs, fruit trees, camellias, and azaelas will be available for purchase. Food and crafts will also be sold. Bring some gorgeous Monastery-grown plants to your own yard.
Art Enables - "Garden Variety" After-Hours Gallery Event
May 4 - 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

@ Art Enables (2204 Rhode Island Ave NE)
Join neighbors for an enchanting evening at Art Enables as they celebrate the arrival of spring with a special "Garden Variety" after-hours gallery event inspired by the lively energy of the season. This event is free, family-friendly, and open to the public. RSVP is recommended. Art Enables is committed to providing access to everyone. If you require accommodation during your visit, please make a note in the RSVP or email at
Edgewood Chess Challenge Series
May 20 - 9:00 a.m.
@ Edgewood Recreation CEnter (300 Evarts St NE)

Join DPR for a two-part chess championship with a seeding event on Saturday, May 20, and the final championship on Saturday, June 10. Learn more and register here.
Around DC
Free Veggie Giveaway
May 6 - 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
@ Rosedale Recreation Center (1701 Gales St NE)

The Capital Area Food Bank's Community Marketplace provides fresh, seasonal produce at no cost to community members on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. at the Rosedale Recreation Center (1701 Gales St NE). No RSVP needed. Learn more here.
Congress Heights:
Senior Fest
May 31 - 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
@ Gateway DC Pavilion (2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE)

The Senior Fest is an annual FREE event celebrating DC's seniors. Senior Fest 2023: Believe the HYPE is on Wednesday, May 31 at the Gateway Pavilion. Participants will enjoy socializing with each other as they experience live entertainment, music, health exhibits, board games and guest speakers. Lunch will be provided. Learn more here.
News You Can Use
Most-clicked links from last week's newsletter (not just news!)—
Meet with the Councilmember - Office Hours
In May, office hours will occur as an Ice Cream with the Councilmember event. Registration is not necessary. We invite all neighbors to stop in to meet and chat with the Councilmember and members of staff at Calypso Ice Cream and Coffee (1730 Trinidad Ave NE) on Wednesday, May 10 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. See you there!
One highlight of my week was celebrating the retirement of Donnie Shaw, Jr., a native Washingtonian and long-time Ward 5 resident, after almost four decades at the YMCA. We congratulate him on his retirement and thank him for all he's done for youth and the residents of Ward 5!

As always, we invite you to use this form to provide feedback on how we're doing. We'd love to hear from you anytime. 

Yours in service and community, 


Want to reach one of our staff members?
Save this directory to stay in touch with us.

Chief of Staff, Rachelle Roberts -, 202-724-8918
Deputy Chief of Staff, Conor Shaw -, 202-724-8172
Legislative Director, Kendra Wiley -, 202-724-8192
Communications Director, Melissa Littlepage -, 202-724-8028
Constituent Services Coordinator, Carlos McKnight -, 202-478-2456
Constituent Services Coordinator, Oliver Stoute -, 202-724-8107
Constituent Services Coordinator, Sam Bonar -, 202-724-1344
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