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4th of July, Supreme Court Rulings, and Many Updates

Devastating rulings have come down from the Supreme Court over the past few days. Yesterday, the Supreme Court ended generations-long precedents in racial progress when they struck down affirmative action. Today, they rolled back rights for the LGBTQIA+ community, and struck down President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. These decisions come from a far-right Court…

Juneteenth, Budget Wrap-up, and More…

This week, the Council wrapped up its work on the FY24 budget by passing the Budget Support Act which contains all the laws for how funds can be used. Several amendments came forward, on issues including revenue from traffic enforcement and grants for the DC Commission on the Arts on Humanities. You can read a…

Rent, Pride, and Bears, oh my!

Dear Ward 5 neighbors, It’s been an eventful week! From passing caps on rent increases at the Council’s Legislative Meeting on Tuesday, to community public safety walks and committee hearings, to a black bear in Brookland, this newsletter brings you lots of updates.

Pride Month, Open Streets, and More…

Happy Pride Month! Yesterday, I joined Mayor Bowser, Attorney General Schwalb, and several of my Council colleagues to raise—for the first time ever—the Pride flag in front of the Wilson building. In my remarks, I reflected on the origins of Pride Month more than 50 years ago. The courageous resistance of Black trans women at…

Making Metrobus Better, Black Pride, and More

Dear Ward 5 neighbors, On Monday, the Ward 5 Bus Network Task Force that I convened at the beginning of May held its last meeting to formalize my office’s feedback on WMATA’s Better Bus Visionary Draft Network. Yesterday, I sent a letter to WMATA detailing the task force’s recommendations, and why I believe they are…

Letter to WMATA on the Better Bus Draft Visionary Network

This morning, I sent off a letter to WMATA with my office’s Ward 5 Bus Network Task Force recommendations on the Better Bus Draft Visionary Network. I am very proud of the substantive, constructive feedback this task force produced. Improving the frequency and reliability of bus service in Ward 5 and across DC is my…

What’s in the FY24 Budget?

Dear Ward 5 neighbors, On Tuesday this week, the Council took its first of two votes on the FY24 budget, bringing us one step closer to deciding how we will allocate DC’s nearly $20 billion budget. Our city is in a very strong financial position. Ward 5, specifically, receives funding for an array of much…

A Busy Week in the Community

This week, I attended the Mayor’s Public Safety Summit to be a part of the solution in addressing rising violence. I found the updates on crime trends and approaches to these varying trends helpful. Chief Contee noted the significant decreases in both violent crime and property crime since 2015, while also acknowledging recent disturbing spikes…