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Getting Ready for Back-to-School

Dear Ward 5 neighbors, 

We are experiencing another scorching week, with temperatures soaring above 95 degrees and expected to remain high. The District’s Heat Emergency Plan has been activated, and residents and visitors are encouraged to take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses. Those without air conditioning should seek relief in air-conditioned buildings and cooling centers.

During a Heat Emergency, residents are advised to stay cool, check on seniors and other vulnerable neighbors, and call the shelter hotline for unsheltered residents in need of free, accessible transportation to a cooling center. To request accessible transportation to a cooling center for yourself or someone else, call the shelter hotline at (202) 399-7093 or dial 311.

And if you can believe it, August is here, and we are preparing for students to return to school in the next few weeks.

During my time as Ward 5’s Representative on the State Board of Education, I helped establish the Ward 5 Education Equity Committee, and together we launched an annual backpack giveaway. This tradition continues, and the event is now in its 5th year. I’m looking forward to this year’s event on Saturday, August 24, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Wheatley Education Campus, 1299 Neal Street NE. If you are interested in supporting this year’s event, please contact Representative Robert Henderson at

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