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Ward 5 Weekly Newsletter
July 21, 2023

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Dear Ward 5 neighbors,
This week, I visited Ward 5 schools to assess their readiness for fall and connect with school staff on ways my office can continue to support them. I recorded several issues at the schools we visited, from needed HVAC repairs, to security concerns, to inoperable lights and doors. My office is working with DCPS and DGS to promptly address these problems, and we'll be back to visit each school before the academic year starts to ensure buildings are ready for students on day one. Good work has already been done on a number of fronts: 
  • My team visited Langdon Elementary a few weeks ago with Councilmember Lewis George (Chair of the Committee on Facilities and Family Services), and escalated the needed repair of their HVAC system that hadn't worked in months. At my visit this past week, I was thrilled to learn it has been repaired. Oversight works!
  • We were able to secure capital funds for an HVAC modular update at Noyes Elementary.
  • Phelps ACE High School received $125K more after the Council's intervention to fix DCPS budgets earlier this year. They'll be able to rehire a second Assistant Principal, which they previously cut. 
  • Similarly, McKinley Tech was able to hire an Assistant Principal, ISS Coordinators, and Student Support Staff with funds won by the Council's intervention on DCPS budgets.
This week was also marked by continued planning for Ward 5 Day. We are coordinating with local restaurants, businesses, and organizations to make it a wonderful celebration of our community. Interested in having your business or organization participate? Check out the Ward 5 Day section below to apply. We also announced today that the nominations form for the Ward 5 Awards is now open! Nominate an outstanding neighbor here.

In this week's newsletter, you'll also find public safety updates (as included each week), information on the upcoming Arboretum Bridge and Trail Project Virtual Public Meeting and Bladensburg Bus Garage Community Meeting, and as always, events to keep you connected. 
Week in Review
On Monday, I kicked off a week of Ward 5 school visits with State Board of Education Representative Robert Henderson to assess readiness for fall and hear from school staff on ways my office can continue to support them. We started with Browne Education Campus' swing site, and Noyes Elementary School.
Tuesday, the week of school tours took me to Brookland Middle School and Langdon Elementary School. I am happy to report that the HVAC system, which was flagged when my team attended a school readiness visit at Langdon a few weeks ago, has been repaired. 
Tuesday evening, I joined neighbors along 12th St NE for a meeting with EYA, the developer of the Providence site in Michigan Park. We discussed concerns about how the development may impact their alleyway, traffic conditions, and ways to collaborate with District agencies as the project moves forward. 
Wednesday morning, I met with some of the violence interruption teams we coordinate with to discuss focus areas. I've requested increased presence in neighborhoods that have seen recent troubling incidents, and you may notice more of these teams out in the community (they wear grey and blue vests). 

Later than morning, I joined neighbors and city leaders including several Ward 5 ANC Commissioners at the "Dave Thomas Circle" demolition kick off. I am looking forward to the long-overdue transformation of the dangerous and dysfunctional Florida Ave and New York Ave NE interchange
Wednesday afternoon, Ward 5 school visits continued as I headed to Phelps ACE High School and McKinley Tech. While the Council was able to secure needed additional funding for both schools in our intervention in DCPS budgets earlier this year, I assessed significant repair needs at these locations and have escalated them for urgency with DGS
Thursday morning, my team and I chatted with neighbors who enjoyed complimentary admission at the National Building Museum for the museum's Ward Councilmembers Day. From there, I headed to the ribbon-cutting for a new crisis shelter in Ward 5 for victims of domestic violence. I am looking forward to the resources and healing this safe space will provide for some of our most vulnerable neighbors. 
Thursday afternoon, I met with Chairman Mendelson as we work to craft legislation around better supporting our schools. I also met with MPD 4D Commander Heraud to discuss the recent homicides in his area and strategize for effective response. My team canvassed in the Brookland neighborhood near the location of recent incidents of crime to chat with neighbors and shared the steps my office is taking to address these issues.

Later that afternoon, I sent a detailed letter to DDOT Director Lott expressing appreciation for the agency's efforts in Ward 5, providing feedback on multiple projects underway in our Ward, and identifying areas of additional need that I am hoping we can work together to address.

Also on Thursday, I checked in with DPR Acting Director Thennie Freeman following last week's near-drowning incident at the Fort Lincoln pool. A new citywide 45/15 minute policy is now in effect for all swimmers, adults and children (45 minutes of swimming, 15 minutes all swimmers out of the pool). This policy is being implemented out of an abundance of caution to make sure swimmers are safe. We also discussed conditions at Turkey Thicket, where I will be conducting a walkthrough next Friday.

Today, I met with several community partners on a variety of issues including school safety, planning for Ward 5 day, Burroughs Elementary's swing space during their upcoming modernization, and more.
Ward 5 Updates
Ward 5 Day - August 26
As announced last week, please mark your calendar for August 26 at Turkey Thicket for Ward 5 Day! It'll be a day full of food, music, games, activities, a backpack giveaway, and traditions old and new including the first-ever Ward 5 Awards celebrating remarkable members of our community. There will also be pop-up events across the Ward during the week of August 20 - 25. I have several updates on Ward 5 Day for you this week:
  1. Nominations for the Ward 5 Awards: Do you know a remarkable community member who makes Ward 5 a better place? Someone who has gone out of their way to help neighbors, build healthy communities, and represents the best of Ward 5? Nominate them for a Ward 5 Award by August 18! The Awards Ceremony will be from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. at Trinity Washington University's campus on August 26.
  2. Taste of Ward 5: Are you a local restaurant or food vendor? Help neighbors get a taste of our community at Ward 5 Day! Apply here by August 18. Criteria: Must serve a minimum of 100 free samples. Must be based and currently operating in Ward 5. Selling food or beverages prohibited. Must have a active license.   
  3. Exhibitor Booths: Have an organization or business with an awareness or education focus? Consider having a booth to connect with neighbors at Ward 5 Day. Apply here by August 18. Criteria: Must be an educational booth. Prohibited from selling items. 
For more information on these forms, contact Debra Kilpatrick Byrd, Ward 5 Day Committee Chair, (202) 262-3987 or by email:
Public Safety Updates
Here are some of the public safety updates I have for you this week:
  • Thank you to the more than 200 neighbors who have completed the survey my office is conducting on public safety (Public Safety Poll). If you haven't yet, I invite you to take it as I work to get a sense of Ward 5 neighbors sentiments around public safety right now. It's very brief, and will help me in my work representing your priorities well on the Council. Click here to share your thoughts!
  • Mayor Bowser announced Pamela A. Smith as her nominee for next Chief of Police at the Metropolitan Police Department this past Monday, July 17. You can learn more about Acting Chief Smith here. Just as I collaborated with Chief Contee and Interim Chief Bashan, I look forward to working with Acting Chief Smith to strategize on Ward 5's public safety priorities. In our upcoming introductory meeting, I plan to raise questions about:
    • How MPD resources are concentrated throughout the city and allocation of presence proportionate to crime
    • Closure rates on cases and what can be done to ensure that effective policing occurs so cases move through the justice system efficiently and restoratively
    • Culture issues within MPD, including questions about officers under criminal investigation for questionable gun seizures, unethical behavior, misconduct, and poor performance supervision
  • A resident at the DC Jail was found unresponsive and pronounced dead yesterday, July 20. This death is currently under investigation, and I am seeking answers from the DC Department of Corrections as we await a determination of death from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
  • Detectives from MPD's Homicide Branch are investigating a homicide that occurred on Monday, July 17, 2023, in the 600 block of Monroe Street NE. MPD is currently offering a reward of up to $25,000 to anyone that provides information which leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for each homicide committed in the District of Columbia. Anyone with information about this case is asked to call the police at 202-727-9099 or send an anonymous tip by sending a text message to 50411.
  • Recent incidents near Catholic University (CUA) prompted a meeting between MPD and CUA leadership. Out of that meeting, MPD agreed to the following
    • More frequent and longer patrols by MPD on John McCormack Road
    • An MPD representative will provide safety guidance at First-Year Orientation
    • The Fifth District will provide additional police presence on Monroe Street during peak times throughout the school year and the remainder of the summer
    • MPD will provide CUA with information on MPD or District programs and resources available, or as they become available, to enhance campus safety
  • Some neighbors have expressed frustration that the Fourth District is not more present in ANC meetings. In sharing this, the Fourth District encouraged us to let neighbors know that they hold a monthly meeting on second Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. hosted by Captain Terry and the 4D Community Outreach Team. You can join here.
  • I am scheduling a meeting with Carver Langston neighbors regarding ongoing violence in their community. I recently joined for a public safety walk in this neighborhood, and MPD reports a 67% reduction in homicides in the area year-to-date, but we know there is more work to do and I look forward to developing solutions together.
  • In case you missed it: the Council passed multiple emergency bills on public safety last Tuesday, July 11, including one on MPD's vehicular chase policies, one regarding the Office of Unified Communications and transparency on their performance with 911 calls, and a bill targeting responses to the recent rise in violent crimes across the District. More information on these bills is available in last week's edition of the newsletter.
Metrorail Closures Impacting Ward 5 Residents
Green Line Service Unavailable at Fort Totten July 22-23

Beginning on Saturday, July 22, Greenbelt, College Park-UMD, Hyattsville Crossing, and West Hyattsville stations on the Green Line will be closed for planned construction to improve rail network technologies. The stations are scheduled to reopen on Tuesday, September 5. Free shuttles will be available during the station closures.

During the first weekend of the work, July 22-23, Green Line service will also be unavailable at Fort Totten station. Red Line service will remain available for customers traveling to the station. Metrorail riders can sign up for email updates and find more information about Metro’s 2023 Major Construction, free shuttle bus information and other travel alternatives, at

DC Public Education Boundary and Student Assignment
Town Halls: July 25 and 27
The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) is conducting a Boundary and Student Assignment Study 2023 ("Boundary Study") to review DC Public School (DCPS) boundaries and feeder patterns and District-wide public school student assignment policies. The Boundary Study will develop recommendations based on analytic findings and public input, while affirmatively advancing racial and socioeconomic equity in public schools in Washington, DC. This will be the first update since 2013-2014, when Washington, DC undertook its first comprehensive review of student assignment in four decades. There are two upcoming Town Halls on the Boundary Study. Click the links below to join:
Multi-Agency Resource Fair - July 27
This coming Thursday, July 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., my office is coordinating with ANC 5D07 Commissioner Juan McCullum and At-Large Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie for a multi-agency resource fair outside the 7 Food Store. Focused specifically on this block, this event will serve as an opportunity for agencies to come together to give members of the community access to valuable resources. We believe that providing access to essential support services and resources is a way to address the root causes of violence and contributes toward a safer and heathier community. Email Commissioner McCullum at for more information.
Arboretum Bridge and Trail
Virtual Public Meeting - July 27 
The Arboretum Bridge and Trail Project, led by DDOT in partnership with the National Park Service (NPS) and the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), is in the design phase. On Thursday, July 27, DDOT will hold a virtual public meeting for a presentation on this project. Access the virtual meeting here.
Bladensburg Bus Garage
Community Meeting - August 8
Metro is hosting the summer Community Meeting for the Bladensburg Bus Garage Reconstruction Project on Tuesday, August 8 at 6:00 p.m. Meeting topics will include a project overview, construction activities, a 90-day outlook, and more. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format (in-person and virtually). All participants should register here. You can also read the most recent Bladensburg Bus Garage Project Community Update Newsletter here.
  • In-person: Woodridge Neighborhood Library (1801 Hamlin St NE)
  • Virtual: A join link will be sent after you register
New Metrorail Stations in Ward 5?
WMATA's Capacity and Reliability Study Survey
Metro launched the Blue/Orange/Silver Corridor Capacity & Reliability Study (BOS Study) in 2019 to identify potential solutions to address multiple needs and opportunities on those three Metrorail lines. Following extensive community outreach, public meetings, and work with the community and local jurisdictions, WMATA has come up with a range of potential infrastructure and operational improvements to ensure quality service while meeting the needs of the growing region. 3 of the 4 new-build alternatives would bring new Metrorail stations and service to Ward 5 neighborhoods that currently are inaccessible via Metrorail, like Fort Lincoln and Ivy City. You can view the alternatives here, and complete the survey to give feedback on your preferred alternative here.
Recap: Metropolitan Branch Trail - Fort Totten to Takoma
Virtual Public Meeting
My team attended the virtual project meeting hosted by the District Department of Transportation on Tuesday, July 18 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. to discuss the status of the Metropolitan Branch Trail Project. DDOT laid out the plan for the continuation of the pedestrian and bike trail north of Ward 5 from Fort Totten. The first phase will be Summer 2023 - Winter 2023, and go from the Fort Totten Meto Station to the strip of South Dakota Ave in Ward 4 near New Hampshire Ave NE (by Legacy Memorial Park). There will be four more phases through 2025 to have it go all the way to Takoma Park. Slides from the evening's presentation are available here.
Recap: Fort Lincoln Campus Improvement Project
Community Meeting
My team attended the community meeting on Tuesday, July 18 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. on the Fort Lincoln Campus Improvement project to hear updates from the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and the Department of General Services (DGS) regarding the future of Fort Lincoln Park and Theodore Hagans Cultural Center. During this meeting, representatives from DPR shared the final vision of the project which includes a new state of the art facility with a childcare center. The project will also include renovations and revitalization of Fort Lincoln Park. The project is projected to begin this fall (2023) and be completed by summer of 2025. Once the construction begins, DPR and DGS will distribute quarterly updates on the project to the community. For more information on the project visit here.
Recap: New Jersey Ave and O St Park Renovation
DPR held its sixth community meeting regarding the New Jersey Ave and O St Park Renovation on Wednesday, July 19. While this park is in Ward 2, not Ward 5, it borders our community and many Ward 5 neighbors have followed closely as plans move forward for renovation. You can review the slides from the community meeting here
Ward 5 Education Equity Committee
Seeking Two New Officers
The Ward 5 Education Equity Committee (Ward 5 EEC) currently has two openings on its executive committee — the offices of treasurer and recording secretary. If you would like to learn more about these roles or express interest in volunteering, please email You can learn more about the Ward 5 EEC here, and join as a member here
Needed: Pedestrian Advisory Council (PAC) and
Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC) Ward 5 Representatives 
Due to current representatives needing to step down, Ward 5 is now in need again of representatives on the Pedestrian Advisory Council (PAC) and Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC). The PAC is comprised of District of Columbia residents with a demonstrated interest in pedestrian safety. Thirteen voting community members are appointed by members of the Council to three-year terms. Five non-voting agency members represent the District Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Police Department, DC Office of Planning, DC Public Schools, and Department of Parks and Recreation. The BAC is an official public commission that advises elected and appointed officials on bicycle-related transportation matters. The BAC evaluates legislation and transportation infrastructure, providing analysis and technical expertise to the legislative and executive branches of DC government, and is comprised of 13 DC residents who are voting members, appointed by Councilmembers.

If you are interested in representing Ward 5 on either the PAC or the BAC, please email our office at 
Notices of Intent - Modifying Traffic/Parking Requirements
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is required to give written notice of their intent to modify traffic and/or parking requirements to the Council and affected Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners (ANCs) to allow for a public comment period on the modifications. The following Notices of Intent (NOIs) for Ward 5 are open for comment: 
  • Closes for comment on July 26: Close 3rd St NW between Shepherd St NW & Rock Creek Church Rd NW - Read and comment here
  • Closes for comment on August 3: New York Ave and Bladensburg Rd NE Safety Project - Read and comment here
  • Closes for comment on August 19: Installation of all-way stop control at 18th St and Bryant St NE - Read and comment here
ANC and Civic Association Meetings

This week, my team attended the Eckington Civic Association and ANC 5C meetings. Here's a brief recap: 

  • Bloomingdale Civic Association (July 17 at 7:00 p.m.):
    • MPD shared that there has been an arrest for the robbery at the U St and 1st St NW corner store. DPW answered questions about missed trash collection, street sweeping enforcement, and snow removal exemption requests for seniors and people with disabilities. My team shared about public safety updates and clarified that the Council has given MPD and all public safety agencies all the resources they've requested to hire and retain officers. The meeting ended abruptly due to an unfortunate Zoom-bombing incident, and association leaders sent out updated standards to prevent further incidents including limited screen sharing functionality.
  • ANC 5E (July 18 at 7:00 p.m.):
    • There was pushback from ANC Commissioners who are frustrated with excuses from MPD about why they can't let officers get out of their cars. My team shared updates about the recent legislative session. The ANC voted to allow Showtime Bar to have their patio hours match the other bars at the intersection. 
  • Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association (July 18 at 7:00 p.m.):
    • Meeting attendees were given a phenomenal presentation from author and Brookland historian Robert Malesky, who discussed pivotal events in Brookland’s history related to development and civic engagement. Malesky highlighted the resilience of the Black community in the Brookland neighborhood and even mentioned some of the historical figures that Councilmember Parker introduced street designation bills for, including Sterling A. Brown and Julius Hobson, Sr. Mr. Malesky is a former senior producer of NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday and writes the Bygone Brookland blog, which is full of fascinating information and stories about the neighborhood's past.  
  • ANC 5B (July 19 at 7:00 p.m.):
    • MPD Captain Small gave crime updates and answered questions from the community. The ANC's FY23 settlement agreement for Aurora Market’s stipulated license was approved with no protest. Amendments were adopted for Aurora Markets tavern license. Commissioner Borrego updated the community on installed speed bumps on Varnum and 19th St NE. Commissioner Sen updated the community regarding new crosswalks at Bunker Hill Elementary School. Commissioner Crocker gave an update that a business in his SMD, Calabash, will be closing its doors effective July 23, citing untenable rent increases. 
View next week's ANC and Civic Association meetings at the calendar on my website here.

Not sure which ANC is yours? Use this tool to look it up. We're here to help, so email us anytime with questions -

Have a need, or want to share important information for ANC and Civic Association Meetings? Get in touch with one of our Constituent Services Coordinators:
  • 5A & 5C: Carlos McKnight,
  • 5B & 5D: Oliver Stoute,
  • 5E & 5F: Sam Bonar,
Kendra Wiley is our office's Legislative Director. In this section of the newsletter, she provides updates on the Councilmember's legislative activities and educational pieces about the legislative process.
After a very busy first half of the year with performance oversight, budget oversight and votes, introducing major legislation, and more, Kendra is on a much needed break this week. Don't worry; the legislative updates in Kendra's Corner will return next week! Taking breaks is a key part of wellness, and we encourage neighbors to find also ways to rest and rejuvenate amidst all the activity in our communities. If you're really missing Kendra's insightful and informative content, you can browse previous editions by scrolling down here.
Programs for the People
Next Week: Free Middle School Camp

Next week, there is an opportunity for an in-person career exploration summer camp for middle school students who are residents of the District of Columbia. The Chart Academy's Middle School Career Exploration Camp will expose DC middle-school-aged youth to careers in public safety, arts, STEM, federal government, and athletics. The camp site will be on the campus of Gallaudet University in Ward 5, and includes access to various field trips throughout the city. Fare cards will be used for transportation and a $100 gift card will be given to each completer at the end of the week-long program. This camp will take place July 24-28 and each day's activities will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. All materials needed for the camp are included, except for lunch. Guardians are also advised to send their camper with a water bottle each day. The application can be completed in five minutes or less by going to They will use your application to share further details regarding the program operations, locations, and safety protocols. If you have any questions, reach out to Enrique Lopez at or 202.860.6287.

Applications Open: Community Voices Academy

The Community Voices Academy (CVA) is designed with the goal of structurally and systematically including the voices and perspectives of Black and Brown low-income District residents with lived experiences surrounding affordable housing and/or workforce development trainings and programs. In addition to contributing their perspectives on policy and budget issues, members of the CVA also receive advocacy training and access to the experts, resources, and policymakers that will help them tackle housing and economic development issues in their communities.

The program is a 10-month commitment spanning from September to June. They are currently soliciting applications from interested residents and will on-board the new members to start in September. Participants will be paid for their time -- $200 monthly with a $500 end-of-service award at the completion of their term. The application, eligibility requirements, and additional materials can be found at:

Metro Lift: Income-Qualified Fare Program

Metro is making it more affordable for tens of thousands of Metro customers to travel across the region. Metro will provide a 50% discount on Metrorail and Metrobus fares for customers who are currently enrolled in either the DC, Maryland or Virginia Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The discount will reduce the cost of a bus trip to just $1 and rail fare to as little as $1 and no more than $3 depending on how far you travel. For more information and to enroll, visit the Metro Lift website.

Summer Ready DC Home Weatherization Kits
Through the DCPSC Summer Ready DC campaign, District residents can prepare their homes for high temperatures and summer storms by: At outreach events, attendees can choose to receive one GE Lighting CYNC smart full color A19 LED light bulb ($10.99 value) or one Frost King white rubber self-stick weatherseal tape ($8.67 value), while supplies last. Note: Only residents of the District of Columbia are eligible for this promotion. There is a limit of one weatherization item per address AND one item per customer. Ward 5's event is on August 16 at Lamond-Riggs/Lillian J. Huff Neighborhood Library (5401 South Dakota Ave NE) from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Department of Behavioral Health Seeks Feedback
The DC Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) is inviting parents and guardians to provide feedback on the behavioral health services the DBH provides to their families. For further details, click here or contact the survey administrator at
Free Weekly Veggie Giveaway

The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) hosts three weekly free veggie giveaways of local, fresh organic produce including kale, collards, lettuce, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, squash, herbs, flowers, and MORE! They occur May 9 through November 30 (weather permitting). In Ward 5, the weekly giveaway is at the Edgewood Rooftop Farm (at the Edgewood Recreation Center - 301 Franklin St NE) every Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Team Zachary in the Community
Ward 5
Roving Leaders Day
July 22 - 12:00 - 6:00 p.m.
@ Langdon Park (2901 20th St NE)

Don't miss out on this free event packed with food, music, and activities. Join the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) for fun on a whole new level with a celebration of all things mobile recreation! We're coming through with moon bounces, carnival rides, water slides, jumbo games, and, of course, popcorn and snow cones. It's going to be a day of fun for the whole family powered by DPR's Roving Leaders!
Made with Love Market
July 22, August 5, and August 19
@ 18th and Monroe St NE

Join local art and wellness shop, Made with Love, for arts and crafts indoors as well as local vendors along the sidewalk. You can look forward to food, drinks, iced treats for cooling off in the heat, clothes, art, and jewelry vendors. 
DC Prep Edgewood Summer Block Party
July 27 - 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
@ Edgewood Campuses (701 and 707 Edgewood St NE)

Join DC Prep for their Edgewood Summer Block Party this coming Thursday. Music, free food, games, art, swag bags and more!
Throughout Ward 5:
Northeast Summer Nights - Outdoor Dinner Party + Movie Series
July 12 - August 9
@ Across the Ward

DC Squared presents Northeast Summer Nights: outdoor dinner parties and movie series across Ward 5! Learn more here. Here's the summer line-up (please note they have made changes!)
  • July 26 - Upper Bladensburg Rd
  • August 2 - Rhode Island Ave, Woodridge
  • August 9 - Rhode Island Ave, Bryant St
Fort Totten:
Fridays at Fort Totten
June 2 - August 25 - 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
@ Modern at Art Place

Summer nights just got cooler. Join DC Fray and The Modern for a free concert series, happening Friday nights from June through August. Bring your own chair and sit back to enjoy live tunes, food trucks, games and community vibes from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Here's the summer line-up:
Around DC
Throughout the DMV:
Black Restaurant Week - 'More Than Just a Week'
July 16 - 30
@ Restaurants across DC, Baltimore, and Surrounding Counties

Black Restaurant Week is presenting its fourth annual campaign in the Greater Washington DC Region. Discover black-owned restaurants food trucks, sweets, and more across Baltimore, DC, and surrounding Maryland and Virginia counties. Enjoy 14 days of celebrations from July 16 - 30. Learn more and find participating restaurants here.
Southwest Waterfront:
DC Public Library Discover Summer at the Rubell Museum
July 22 - 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
@ Rubell Museum (65 Eye St SW)

The DC Public Library is excited to Discover Summer with you at The Rubell Museum. The Rubell Museum is a new contemporary art museum in DC's Southwest community. Enjoy the collection, What's Going On, as well as Sylvia Snowden: SHELL; GLIMPSES. In addition, The DC Public Library will host a special story-time for families, share library resources, and so much more! This event is a part of Discover Summer. Discover Summer is an all-ages city-wide celebration of learning. With Discover Summer you will enjoy great reads, fun events, and activities that encourage you to explore your neighborhood and D.C. Sign up today!
Franklin Park:
Kids World
July 28 - 30
@ Franklin Park (1315 Eye St NW)
Together with Downtown BID and DC Public Library, Events DC is excited to bring three jam-packed days of FREE fun family activities to Franklin Park. Don't miss music, dancing, Superhero workouts, story time, Trackless Train Rides, and more. Registration and a full schedule can be found here.
Kingman Park:
Youth Sports Day
August 19 - 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
@ The Fields at RFK 
Fight For Children will host a free event that will be fun for the entire family! Come learn about afterschool programs that integrate sports with mentoring, social-emotional learning, academic tutoring, civic engagement and more. The event will take place at the The Fields at RFK and will feature sports activities, games and prizes, music, special guest and food trucks.
News You Can Use
Most-clicked links from last week's newsletter (not just news!)—
One highlight of this week was the Beat the Streets event in Carver Terrace. One of my Constituent Services Coordinators, Oliver Stoute, was able to connect with neighbors, including Juanita Diggs. Ms. Diggs is a member of the Ward 5 Senior Advisory Committee and a 40+-year member of our community. Ward 5 is a beautiful place because of neighbors like her. 

As always, we invite you to use this form to provide feedback on how we're doing. We'd love to hear from you anytime. 

Yours in service and community, 


Want to reach one of our staff members?
Save this directory to stay in touch with us.

Chief of Staff, Rachelle Roberts -, 202-724-8918
Deputy Chief of Staff, Conor Shaw -, 202-724-8172
Legislative Director, Kendra Wiley -, 202-724-8192
Communications Director, Melissa Littlepage -, 202-724-8028
Constituent Services Coordinator, Carlos McKnight -, 202-478-2456
Constituent Services Coordinator, Oliver Stoute -, 202-724-8107
Constituent Services Coordinator, Sam Bonar -, 202-724-1344
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