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Ward 5 Weekly Newsletter
May 5, 2023

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Dear Ward 5 neighbors, 

Next week on May 11, the COVID public health emergency ends after more than three years. In DC, COVID-19 centers closed in March, and the end of the public health emergency means reductions in federal funds to the city and the end of enhanced provider rates. Residents can still pick up tests and get vaccines at three locations sponsored by DC Health:

  • Safeway - 490 L St NW
  • Safeway - 11201 Georgia Ave NW
  • Cedar Hill Urgent Care - 2228 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE
Tests will remain free until December 24. In about 2 weeks, DC Health will update residents of the future of its COVID-19 tracking, launching a dashboard to track and compare trends for COVID-19, RSV, and the flu. 

With the end of the public health emergency comes the sunsetting of some pandemic-related provisions. One provision that will soon end is auto-enrollment in Medicaid for many residents. Enrollment in the District’s Medicaid program grew twenty percent (20%) from February 2020 through December 2022. Current enrollment is approximately 305,000 beneficiaries – representing the highest enrollment in the program’s history.

DHCF expects enrollment to decline during the unwinding period because some beneficiaries will no longer meet Medicaid eligibility requirements. Some others will lose coverage because of failure to renew their plan. You can learn more about Medicaid requirements on the DHCF website, and you can reach out to my office if you have questions or need assistance getting in touch with an agency representative. 

This week, we launched our new Ward 5 Council Office website! You can use it to submit a request, get in touch with our office, learn about the work we're doing on behalf of Ward 5 residents every day, and more. Take a look at
We're also sharing lots of Ward 5 updates and events with you in this newsletter, so keep reading to stay up-to-date on all that's happening in our beautiful community. 
Week in Review

On Monday, I heard from several advocacy groups continuing to push for budget requests following last week's Committee Reports and Recommendations. We are approaching our budget votes on May 16 and 30.

That evening, my team convened the Ward 5 Bus Network Task Force. It was a very productive meeting as these neighbors began to dig into bus routes from WMATA's Draft Visionary Network. You can view maps specific to Ward 5 here. We've begun compiling more granular feedback and will have more to share with you soon! Check out opportunities to give your feedback to WMATA in the Ward 5 Updates section below.

Tuesday, the Council held our regularly scheduled Council Breakfast and Legislative Meeting. My Legislative Director, Kendra Wiley, provides an overview of the meeting activities in Kendra's Corner below.

On Wednesday, the Council held it's marathon budget working session to walk through proposals in more detail from each of the committees. My team was able to get some fresh air in the afternoon, though, with a visit to the urban farm and green house at the Franciscan Monastery.
On Thursday, the Committee on Health (chaired by Councilmember Christina Henderson, At-Large) held a Public Roundtable on The End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. I was able to ask questions of agency leaders about the implications of the end of the emergency for them and for DC residents, as well as questions about other public health concerns like the opioid crisis.
Today, I'm spending time connecting with my Council colleagues on issues that are important to us and collaborating on the work ahead. 
Ward 5 Updates
Brookland-focused Public Safety
Community Meeting - May 11
I'm continuing my series of Public Safety Community Meetings this upcoming Thursday, May 11, focusing on the Brookland neighborhood. Please note the updated time (changed to accommodate more neighbors). Join us at 6:30 p.m. at Burroughs Elementary (1820 Monroe St NE) in the multi-purpose room.
Follow-up from April 21 Community Walk in Truxton Circle
DPW Director Spriggs joined me and my team for a community walkthrough to address resident concerns in the Truxton Circle and Bloomingdale communities on April 21. This week, they sent this report of follow up actions they've taken. Thank you to DPW and Director Spriggs for taking action on these requests from neighbors - we're building a healthy community together. 
Providence Hospital Announces Closing of
Urgent Care, Imaging Center, and Pharmacy
on July 31, 2023
Providence Hospital, located at 1150 Varnum St NE, recently announced plans to close its urgent care, imaging center, and pharmacy on July 31, 2023. Read their full statement below. There will be opportunities for the community to provide feedback at several community meetings they are hosting (virtual and in-person) throughout the month of May. Learn more and sign up for updates and meetings here. Reach out to our office or ANC 5A03 Commissioner, Emily Lucio, with questions (ward5contact@dccouncil,gov,

Notices of Intent - Modifying Traffic/Parking Requirements
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is required to give written notice of their intent to modify traffic and/or parking requirements to the Council and affected Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners (ANCs) to allow for a public comment period on the modifications. The following Notices of Intent (NOIs) for Ward 5 are open for comment: 
  • Installation of Residential Permit Parking Signs - Read here
  • Riggs Rd NE Protected Bike Lanes - Read here
Traffic Safety Walkthrough on South Dakota Ave

Mark your calendars for May 11 at 10:00 a.m. to join me and DDOT Director Lott for a Traffic Safety Walk along South Dakota Ave. Note the location change: we will now meet at the intersection of 26th St and Irving St NE in the pocket park to start the walk. Questions ahead of time? Feel free to reach out to my office: 202-724-8028,

Repaving Projects in the Ward
Between May 5 and May 19, but not on weekends, repaving will occur (weather permitting) on New York Ave NE between Bladensburg Rd NE and Montana Ave NE. For any questions about this repaving project, call 202-671-2700.

Michigan Ave NE
Beginning on or around Monday, May 8, repaving will occur along Michigan Avenue NE between 7th Street NE and John McCormack Road NE (near Catholic University and the Starbucks Reserve). This work will include repair of curbs and gutters, and resurfacing of the roadway pavement within the project limits. It is estimated to take approximately two weeks to complete, weather permitting. 
Ward 5 Community Physical Wellness & Mental Health Fair

The DC Special Education Hub is joining Smart From the Start and many other local organizations for a Community Physical Wellness & Mental Health Fair in Ward 5! Join the event on May 13 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 707 24th St NE. This event is a great opportunity for community members to connect with local organizations and agencies, learn about healthcare, physical wellness, and mental health services, and discover valuable resources available to the community. No registration is required! For more information, please call or text: (202) 696-8844.

WMATA Better Bus Live! Experience Workshop
at Turkey Thicket on May 20
On Saturday, May 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., join WMATA at Turkey Thicket (1100 Michigan Ave NE) for a Workshop Event to explore the Draft Visionary Network for an improved Bus Network ("Better Bus"). Learn more about the network and share your feedback with WMATA representatives. More details here. See you there!
Lamond-Riggs/Lillian J. Huff Library Closed on May 20
The Lamond-Riggs/Lillian J. Huff Library will be closed on Saturday, May 20. The concrete benches planned for the outdoor space at the library will be installed. Because a crane will be needed and the entrance will be blocked, they have decided to close the library for the day to ensure everyone’s safety. They do not anticipate the installation of the benches will take more than one day so we expect the library to re-open on Sunday, May 21.
Walk With Me in the 2023 Pride Parade!
Walk with Ward 5 neighbors and me in the 2023 DC Pride Parade on Saturday, June 10. Learn more information about the parade here, and sign up to walk with us here. See you there!
Bus Priority Project Along Florida Ave NE/NW
DDOT is currently considering a bus priority project along Florida Ave NE/NW. Florida Ave NW/NE is a vibrant, historic DC corridor that is a mix of commerical businesses and local residences. It is an important multi-modal corridor, and this bus priority project intends to improve transit service and reliability, as well as overall traffic safety in the area. Learn more and participate in the Phase 1 Survey here. 
Help Name NoMa's Newest Public Spaces
The well-known intersection of Florida Ave NE and New York Ave NE, also known as the "Virtual Circle" or "Dave Thomas Circle," will soon be transformed to make it safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers, and improved to include a trio of thoughtfully-landscaped urban spaces for the community to enjoy. Participate in the naming of these new spaces by visiting
No Mow May, Low Mow Spring

Consider letting your lawnmowers rest for a few more weeks, and help the environment! The start of the growing season is a critical time for hungry, newly emerged native bees. Floral resources may be hard to find, especially in urban and suburban landscapes. By allowing it to grow longer, and letting flowers bloom, your lawn can provide nectar and pollen to help your bee neighbors thrive. Mowing less creates habitat and can increase the abundance and diversity of wildlife including bees and other pollinators. One way to reduce mowing is by participating in No Mow April, No Mow May, or Low Mow Spring. Learn more here.

ANC and Civic Association Meetings

This week, my team attended the Lamond-Riggs Citizens Association, Stronghold Civic Association, Woodridge Civic Association, North Michigan Park Civic Association, and SMD 5A03 meetings. Here's a brief recap: 

  • Lamond-Riggs Citizens Association (May 1 at 7:00 p.m.): My office shared information about the budget mark up and a few highlights for proposed funding for Ward 5 with the community. The Association also elected new officers
  • Stronghold Civic Association (May 1 at 7:00 p.m.): Neighbors discussed issues with holding a landlord accountable for trash, rats, and blight along North Capitol. There’s also interest in a Stronghold sign along North Capitol. 
  • Woodridge Civic Association  (May 2 at 7:00 p.m.): The Association announced that they will be holding their first in-person meeting since the start of COVID on Wednesday, June 7 at 7:00 p.m. at Woodridge Library. The meeting will be joined by a guest speaker and/or small business, more details to come.
  • North Michigan Park Civic Association (May 3 at 7:00 p.m.): We shared with neighbors wins in the proposed budget mark-ups. Inspector Darlett Cromer provided information on DPW and the Solid Waste Education and Enforcement Division of DPW. David Gaston provided updates on programming at the Lamond-Riggs/Lillian J Huff Library.
  • SMD 5A03 Quarterly Meeting (May 4 at 6:30 p.m.): EYA (Developer) provided information about the Providence Reimagined project and shared a slideshow about the vision for the redevelopment. Residents can visit for information about upcoming community meetings and information on the project. 

Read below for this week's upcoming ANC and Civic Association Meetings (review this ANC Locator Map to see which meetings apply to you and email us if you'd like more information on how to attend):

  • Monday, May 8
    • 7:00 p.m.
      • Eckington Civic Association
      • ANC 5D
  • Tuesday, May 9
    • 6:00 p.m.
      • Arboretum Neighborhood Association
      • 635 Edgewood Healthy Manhood Conversation
  • Wednesday, May 10
    • 6:30 p.m.
      • North Woodridge Citizens Association
Have a need, or want to share important information for ANC and Civic Association Meetings? Get in touch with one of our Constituent Services Coordinators:
  • 5A & 5C: Carlos McKnight,
  • 5B & 5D: Oliver Stoute,
  • 5E & 5F: Sam Bonar,
Kendra Wiley is our office's Legislative Director. In this section of the newsletter, she provides updates on the Councilmember's legislative activities and educational pieces about the legislative process.
Legislative Meeting Recap
The Committee of the Whole voted to:
  • Symbolically designate 18th Street NW between M and N Streets as Sam "The Man” Burns Way in honor of Sam Burns who was considered “The Chuck Brown of Dance Music” for his contributions to house music and DJing in the District.
  • Symbolically designate the 300 block of 53rd Street NE as Makiyah Wilson Way in honor of a 10 year old who was shot to death near her home on July 16, 2018. The designation honors her legacy and highlights the importance of curbing gun violence in the city.
  • Confirm Aaron L. Myers, II as the Executive Director for the Commission on the Arts and Humanities.
Legislative Meeting Recap:
  • The Council had the final reading and vote on the Migrant Services Eligibility Temporary Act of 2023. Councilmember Robert White mentioned that he received word that the Office of Migrant Services has run out of room in their hotel shelters, meaning new migrants may end up on the streets or a receive ticket to relocate elsewhere. He urged the Mayor to use contingency fund reserves to address this problem and prevent children and families from living in encampments or on the street.
  • In response to an assessment of DCHA by HUD, DCHA updated its procurement rules and practices. The Council voted to approve DCHA’s regulations and emphasized it still must submit contracts over $1 million to Council for approval.
  • The Council passed the Food Delivery Fees Transparency Emergency Amendment Act of 2023.
  • The Council passed the final vote to rename Good Hope Road SE between Anacostia Drive SE and Alabama Avenue SE as Marion Barry Avenue SE. The Department of Public Works (DPW) or a designee will notify residents along the street of the pending name change by this summer.
Mental Health Awareness Month

What is mental health? What is behavioral health?
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, and how we handle stress and the choices we make. It’s as important as our physical health and can increase risk for chronic illnesses and diseases. During my time with the Council, I’ve also heard the term “behavioral health,” which is defined as “the connection between behaviors and the health and well-being of the body, mind, and spirit." It includes behaviors like how we eat, drink, exercise, etc., which all contribute to our physical and mental health.

Department of Behavioral Health and Resources
The DC Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) provides prevention, intervention, and treatment services for both youth and adults. They work with a group of community based providers to provides services to DC Residents. Below is just a short list of resources.

  • The Mental Health Hotline 1-888-7WE-HELP (1-888-793-4357) — a 24/7 line staffed by mental health clinicians that can listen and help with coping strategies
  • Up to 3 free counseling sessions for DC residents
  • Ways to Maintain your mental health
  • DBH website of phone numbers and services
  • List of community-based service providers that offer mental health services such assessments, medication, counseling, and community support
Programs for the People
Tomorrow: Free Veggies
The Capital Area Food Bank's Community Marketplace provides fresh, seasonal produce at no cost to community members on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. at the Rosedale Recreation Center (1701 Gales St NE). Be sure to stop by tomorrow, May 6.
DC Victim Hotline
The DC Victim Hotline is available for all crime victims in the District of Columbia. The hotline number is 844-4-HELP-DC (844-443-5732) and is operational 24/7. You can also contact the hotline via online chat here. The hotline victim assistance staff provides basic crisis-intervention support and helps callers access the complete continuum of care for crime victims, including relevant and appropriate resources based on the needs of the caller.
OAG's Consumer Mediation Program
The Office of the Attorney General's Consumer Mediation Program is a free service that aims to help consumers resolve issues with businesses or landlords without going to court. To provide just a few examples, they have mediated billing disputes with internet, cable, and medical providers; disputes with banks and lending services after consumers were the victims of scams or fraud; disputes with landlords about security deposits, rent, and building amenities; and disputes with contractors and other service providers related to service performance and pricing issues. Complete the intake form and learn more here.
Upcoming eCycle DC Event

Properly recycling electronics conserves natural resources, ensures appropriate handling of toxic materials, provides a more sustainable source of precious metals, and protects human health and the environment. eCycle DC is a program to provide opportunities for District residents to safely dispose of electronic items. These events are approved by DOEE as required by DC law. Computers, TVs, and related equipment are accepted for free from DC residents, small businesses, and small nonprofits. Upcoming events and the full list of accepted items are posted here. You can view a full list and definition fact sheet of accepted items here. Don't miss Ward 5's upcoming collection day:

  • Saturday, May 13 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    Near 700 Monroe St NE
    (Near Monroe St Farmers Market)
Team Zachary in the Community
Ward 5
Social Community Clean-ups
May 6 & 20 - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

@ Yang Market (May 6) and Quincy Lane NE (May 20)
The clean-ups are getting outrageous. Armies of volunteers. Legions of fun. Sparkling sidewalks. Custom tee-shirts! Meet at Yang Market on May 6 for an Eckington Park & Arts-led clean-up. Meet at the community courtyard garden on Quincy Lane NE on May 20 for an EP&A and Eckington Civic Association-led clean-up! Meet new neighbors and join the cleaning crew! If you become a regular, they will give you one of their fetching lime green tee-shirts. Lost Generation is offering free drink tickets for anyone who cleans with neighbors for at least an hour. Or clean on your own time whenever it's convenient. EP&A provides the gloves, grabbers, and bags. Keep Eckington beautiful!
Fort Totten:
SMD 5A06 Spring Clean Day hosted by Commissioner Toure
May 6 - 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

@ Langdon Park (at the picnic tables near the dog park)
Join 5A06 Commissioner Kweku Toure for a Spring Clean Day! There will be pick-up and drop-off sites identified in the community so that neighbors can pick up trash bags, tools, gloves, and drop the trash bags and discarded items off for DPW to pick them up after the Spring Clean Day is over. Three locations: 1) Corner of Allison St and Fort Totten Dr NE, 2) Corner of Hawaii Ave and 2nd St NE, and 3) Corner of Victor St and First Pl NE. Contact Commissioner Toure at for more information.
Langdon Park Neighbors Kick-Off Event
May 6 - 1:00 p.m.

@ Langdon Park (at the picnic tables near the dog park)
Join Langdon Park Neighbors! They are a group of community members dedicated to making Langdon Park a welcoming, well-maintained, and vibrant space for the community. Tomorrow, join them for painting birdhouses, trash clean-up, and connecting with neighbors. Sign up here, or email for more information.
Flower Power 2023 Neighborhood Beautification Day
May 20 - 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
@ 52 O St NW

Join for the Bates Area Civic Association's 2023 Neighborhood Beautification Day and Spring Party. In the morning, help with tree box beautification and trash pick-up, starting at 1st and P St NW. Email to volunteer to help organize. In the afternoon, attend the neighborhood potluck party at 71 P St NW. Email to RSVP and nominate your favorite yard in the neighborhood for recognition. Thank you to Bates Area ANCs for their sponsorship.
Truxton Circle:
52 O St Studios - Spring Open Studios
May 20 - 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
@ 52 O St NW

Join for this thrice-yearly Open Studios, where 52 O St Studios artists and businesses open their doors to the public. This is a rare opportunity to meet artists in their studios, where you can see newly finished pieces and works in progress. In addition to fine artists, 52 O Street Studios is also home to numerous galleries, photographers, designers, and other creative businesses. Don't miss this chance to connect with the artists and creatives of DC's largest studio building! Learn more here.
Bloomingdale 20th Annual Community Day
May 20 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
@ Crispus Attucks Park (23 U St NW)

Hosted each May, Bloomingdale Community Day is an opportunity for the neighborhood to gather to celebrate our neighborhood and give back to the park. Join neighbors for food, musical acts, local vendors, children’s face painting, and the annual dog show! Learn more and sign up to volunteer or be a sponsor here.
Edgewood Chess Challenge Series
May 20 - 9:00 a.m.
@ Edgewood Recreation CEnter (300 Evarts St NE)

Join DPR for a two-part chess championship with a seeding event on Saturday, May 20, and the final championship on Saturday, June 10. Learn more and register here.
Around DC
Across the City:
Around the World Embassy Tour, presented by Events DC
May 6 - 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
@ 60+ Participating Embassies

Participants can travel the world as they experience the food, art, dance, fashion and music of different countries. In the past, visitors have been treated to karate demonstrations, sari wrapping lessons, dance performances and more! Learn more and register here.
Across the City:
DC Veg Restaurant Week
May 6 - 13
@ 50+ Participating Restaurants

‘DC Veg Week’ is a celebration of all things plant-based in the DMV! Enjoy plant-based delights by indulging in week-long restaurant specials, events, and giveaways from Saturday May 6 to Saturday May 13. Find your new favorite spot for healthy, sustainable, and fresh cuisine. Learn more here.
Logan Circle:
Pride Prom
May 13 - 7:00 - 11:00 p.m.
@ The Corner at Whitman-Walker (1701 14th St NW)

A unique DC Pride Prom open to LGBTQ students attending high schools throughout the city is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 13, at The Corner at Whitman-Walker. The goals of the event are to create a safe and joyous space for queer DC students, build relationships across schools, and thereby to support student mental health and activate broader community engagement. Learn more and sign up to attend, donate, volunteer, or chaperone here.
Congress Heights:
Senior Fest
May 31 - 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
@ Gateway DC Pavilion (2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE)

The Senior Fest is an annual FREE event celebrating DC's seniors. Senior Fest 2023: Believe the HYPE is on Wednesday, May 31 at the Gateway Pavilion. Participants will enjoy socializing with each other as they experience live entertainment, music, health exhibits, board games and guest speakers. Lunch will be provided. Learn more here.
News You Can Use
Most-clicked links from last week's newsletter (not just news!)—
Meet with the Councilmember - Office Hours
Next week, office hours will occur as an Ice Cream with the Councilmember event. Registration is not necessary. I'm inviting all neighbors to stop in to meet and chat with the me and members of my staff at Calypso Ice Cream and Coffee (1730 Trinidad Ave NE) on Wednesday, May 10 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. See you there!
One highlight of my week was swearing in a new ANC Commissioner for ANC 5A05, Tyeron Boston. Welcome, Commissioner! With this swearing-in, there is only one remaining ANC vacancy in Ward 5, with two candidates having submitted ballot petitions for 5D01. I am proud to have such strong, community-centered ANC representation throughout our Ward 5!

As always, we invite you to use this form to provide feedback on how we're doing. We'd love to hear from you anytime. 

Yours in service and community, 


Want to reach one of our staff members?
Save this directory to stay in touch with us.

Chief of Staff, Rachelle Roberts -, 202-724-8918
Deputy Chief of Staff, Conor Shaw -, 202-724-8172
Legislative Director, Kendra Wiley -, 202-724-8192
Communications Director, Melissa Littlepage -, 202-724-8028
Constituent Services Coordinator, Carlos McKnight -, 202-478-2456
Constituent Services Coordinator, Oliver Stoute -, 202-724-8107
Constituent Services Coordinator, Sam Bonar -, 202-724-1344
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