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Statement on the Charges Against Ward 8 Councilmember Trayon White

For nearly two years, I have served alongside Councilmember Trayon White, Sr. on the Council of the District of Columbia. During this time, I have witnessed Councilmember White’s passion for his constituents and his strong advocacy for improving public safety in Ward 8 and throughout the District. Given this background, the recent arrest and allegations against him are both unexpected and deeply troubling.

I firmly believe that Councilmember White, like anyone involved in our criminal justice system, is entitled to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Nonetheless, the seriousness of the allegations against him, several DC government officials, and organizations across the city necessitates decisive action.

To address this situation and begin rebuilding trust with our constituents, I support Chairman Mendelson’s plan to remove Councilmember White from his chairmanship and to establish a Council Ad Hoc Committee to thoroughly investigate these charges. This step is crucial for upholding the highest ethical standards within our institution.

As Councilmembers, we operate in the public trust, which is essential to our ability to effectively perform our duties. Understandably, the trust of Ward 8 and District residents has been shaken by these events. While Councilmember White prepares his legal defense, the Council must ensure that these allegations do not impede our critical work in driving down crime in the District, addressing our affordable housing crisis, strengthening our local economy, and so much more.

Moving forward, my priority will be to restore and maintain the confidence of District residents. I am committed to taking any necessary actions to ensure that our institution acts swiftly and upholds the highest standards of integrity and transparency.